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Assessment 3 Budget Negotiations and Communication Student Name Capella University Course Name Prof Name July 14 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Budget Negotiations and Communication In summary the evaluation involved creating an operating budget for a 35 bed facility with 20 full time equivalent staff members focusing on staff retention and patient centered care The budget was developed through a needs assessment utilizing a balanced scorecard and SWOT analysis to address turnover challenges while enhancing patient care Recommendations included training and development patient Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample centered care staff retention and continuous budget management with an emphasis on flexibility and ongoing evaluation Managing an operating budget is a crucial aspect of business administration particularly within nursing leadership The nursing leader is responsible for budgeting and overseeing all aspects of the facility s operations This evaluation focuses on the development and negotiation of a budget for a 35 bed clinic serving an elderly population with 20 full time equivalent staff members many of whom are available for temporary work The justification and communication of this budget emphasize two key areas staff retention and patient centered care The budget justification outlines a strategic plan designed to enhance financial viability improve staff productivity justify equipment and service costs and establish connections that support both budgetary and organizational goals Strategic Plan for Profitability and Fiscal Success The ongoing budget analysis includes a needs assessment identifying staff retention and patient centered care as critical concerns The primary goal is to enhance these aspects through a SWOT analysis providing a practical evaluation of the organization and its current environment Gharachorloo et al 2021 The plan focuses on directing nursing leadership efforts based on identified needs The strategy initially addresses staff retention through initiatives aimed at increasing satisfaction by offering evaluations and competitive compensation packages Improved clinical outcomes and patient centered care are positively influenced by performance based incentives overtime pay and salary increases tied to performance Panda Sahoo 2021 An integrated approach emphasizing patient feedback surveys cultivating a culture of empathy and providing individualized care highlights the focus on patient centered care Healthcare improvement strategies such as infection control and readmission reduction contribute to enhanced patient centered care Kwame Petrucka 2021 The training is designed to address issues related to staff satisfaction and care standards Comprehensive training for both new and experienced staff using cross functional teams is recommended to manage infection rates and patient outcomes effectively Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Strategic planning for financial success considers market volatility and economic conditions as sources of uncertainty Considerations include industry trends changes in regulatory compliance and technological advancements Plan for Staff Productivity Goals Patient centered care relies on staff productivity to ensure that team members remain motivated and engaged in collaborative efforts for patient benefit Strategies to improve staff productivity include Feedback Loops Collecting staff opinions to address workload issues and improve nurse to patient ratios Stakeholder Awareness Communicating changes in work dynamics such as performance evaluations and revised salaries and assessing workload patterns for improvements Monitoring Progress Continuously evaluating and adjusting the plan to ensure effective results Alternative approaches such as outsourcing and mandatory overtime are deemed impractical due to concerns about feasibility Justification of Equipment and Service Costs Effective budget allocation for essential expenses and utilities is crucial for successful operations Following personnel related costs utilities medical supplies and medications require significant budget allocation Proper distribution is essential for effective budget management and achieving patient centered care Xi et al 2023 Maintenance of equipment and services including cleanliness management and training costs contributes to reducing turnover and promoting patient centered care Link Between the Organization s Mission and the Project The project aligns with the organization s mission of providing patient care and interdisciplinary collaboration for the elderly population The budget is designed to enhance patient relationships increase satisfaction levels and reduce turnover through strategic planning Financial stability is recognized as supporting organizational goals including staff retention training and development ultimately improving the effectiveness of patient care Dennis 2019 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Conclusion The evaluation focuses on effective budget management to ensure financial stability and improve care standards Each step is guided by strategic planning that aligns the budget with profitability goals Staff productivity is enhanced through feedback loops and stakeholder awareness The budget is intrinsically linked to the organization s mission of delivering patient centered care Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample References Dennis C 2019 Strategic planning A health system operational perspective Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy 3 0 Edgman Levitan S Schoenbaum S C 2021 Patient centered care Achieving higher quality by designing care through the patient s eyes Israel

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