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Assessment 2 Biopsychosocial Population Health Policy Proposal Student Name Capella University Course Name Prof Name June 2 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Biopsychosocial Population Health Policy Proposal Strategy and Rules Proposition to Improve Outcomes for Tobacco Use in Populace Tobacco use remains a pervasive issue among vulnerable populations affecting both adults and adolescents Addressing this challenge requires implementing a comprehensive health policy focused on tobacco control to enhance well being and Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample extend life expectancies The proposed approach seeks to reduce tobacco consumption and improve overall quality of life within the population The recommended health policy proposal involves executing an extensive tobacco cessation plan and a curriculum based approach to tobacco control particularly targeting prevention in youths and young adults The policy integrates several guidelines to ensure desired outcomes Development of age appropriate tobacco control curricula Customized curriculum content for primary middle and high schools considering cognitive abilities and developmental stages Owens et al 2020 Mandatory training for educators Ensuring teachers are trained to deliver effective tobacco education through collaboration with health educators Lazaro et al 2021 Implementation of tobacco taxes and pricing strategies Utilizing financial disincentives to discourage tobacco use and allocate funding for tobacco control programs Gonzalez Rozada Montamat 2019 Promotion of evidence based cessation plans and interventions Providing counseling support groups medication support and technology based cessation plans adhering to clinical guidelines Park et al 2020 Challenges may arise during implementation such as resource constraints and uncertainty among students Addressing these challenges requires strategic resource allocation and collaboration between healthcare professionals and educators Need for the Proposed Policy Tobacco addiction adversely affects academic performance mental health and social well being in youths while adults suffer from chronic health conditions such as lung cancer and heart disease Exposure to second hand smoke further compounds health risks emphasizing the need for intervention DiGiacomo et al 2018 Opposing viewpoints exist highlighting the necessity of policy development to address current outcomes and conflicting perspectives Druss 2020 Inter professional Approach to Implementing the Proposed Policy An inter professional approach involving collaboration among healthcare professionals is essential for effective policy implementation This approach enhances care efficiency and contributes to positive outcomes Professionals can collaborate in assessing Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample tobacco addiction providing education designing medication treatment plans and delivering patient centered care Zhou Abernathey 2022 Wu 2022 Knowledge gaps include uncertainties about cessation plan effectiveness and the extent of policy enforcement Ongoing research and expert attention are needed to address these gaps Conclusion Tobacco use presents a pervasive health issue warranting a comprehensive health policy for intervention The proposed policy aims to mitigate tobacco use and improve care quality emphasizing an inter professional approach for effective implementation Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample References Bhatnagar A Whitsel L P Blaha M J Huffman M D Krishan Sarin S Maa J Rigotti N Robertson R M Warner J J 2019 New and emerging tobacco products and the nicotine endgame The role of robust regulation and comprehensive tobacco control and prevention A presidential advisory from the american heart association Circulation 139 19 https doi org 10 1161 cir 0000000000000669 DiGiacomo S Jazayeri M A Barua R Ambrose J 2018 Environmental tobacco smoke and cardiovascular disease International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 1 96 https doi org 10 3390 ijerph16010096 Gonzalez Rozada M Montamat G 2019 How raising tobacco prices affects the decision to start and quit smoking Evidence from Argentina International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 19 3622 https doi org 10 3390 ijerph16193622 Lazaro A Ceballos R Fischer M Smuin S Halpern Felsher B 2021 A novel approach to training educators to conduct school based adolescent e cigarette education and prevention Using the tobacco prevention toolkit Addictive Behaviors 118 106858 https doi org 10 1016 j addbeh 2021 106858 Owens D K Davidson K W Krist A H Barry M J Cabana M Caughey A B Curry S J Donahue K Doubeni C A Epling J W Kubik M Ogedegbe G Pbert L Silverstein M Simon M A Tseng C W Wong J B 2020 Primary care interventions for prevention and cessation of tobacco use in children and adolescents JAMA 323 16 1590 https doi org 10 1001 jama 2020 4679 Park E R Perez G K Regan S Muzikansky A Levy D E Temel J S Rigotti N A Pirl W F Irwin K E Partridge A H Cooley M E Friedman E R Rabin J Ponzani C Hyland K A Holland S Borderud S Sprunck K Kwon D Peterson L 2020 Effect of sustained smoking cessation counseling and provision of medication vs shorter term counseling and medication advice on smoking abstinence in patients recently diagnosed with cancer JAMA 324 14 1406 https doi 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CAPELLA NURS FPX 6026 - Assessment 2 Biopsychosocial Population Health Policy Proposal

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