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Assessment 2 Leadership and Group Collaboration Student Name Capella University Course Name Prof Name June 5 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Leadership and Group Collaboration in Healthcare Addressing Diversity at Lakeland Medical Clinic Introduction Dear William Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the proposed project I am excited about making a significant contribution Effective leadership is crucial for the success of Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample healthcare organizations and this project provides a valuable opportunity to enhance my skills in addressing organizational challenges particularly the diversity issue at Lakeland Medical Clinic Understanding the Diversity Issue Your email highlights the central concern of staff lacking cultural competence a critical aspect as culture significantly influences how we perceive reality communicate and interact with our environment Center for Community Health and Development 2019 As our society becomes more culturally diverse healthcare centers must prioritize cultural competence requiring effective communication and an appreciation for cultural diversity among employees White et al 2019 Leadership Approach Effectively managing the diversity issue requires leadership skills such as excellent communication strategic thinking interpersonal abilities and efficient planning A leader should clearly articulate the vision and goals of the diversity project to the staff in a manner that fosters unity and purpose Leadership Role Model Dr Lisa E Harris Dr Lisa E Harris the medical director and CEO of Eskenazi Health Indianapolis stands out as a model leader for this project due to her extensive experience commitment to minority healthcare improvement and success in implementing innovative initiatives Eskenazi Health n d Approach to Leadership While Dr Harris leadership style shares similarities with mine such as leading by example and promoting a collaborative work ethic there are differences in our approaches For this project I would emphasize a process flow that allows space for innovation as opposed to Dr Harris more complex workflow that may limit creativity Strategies to Address the Diversity Issue Leading the project at Lakeland Medical Clinic requires integrating qualities of both transformational and collaborative leadership Establishing multicultural collaboration through an interdisciplinary committee comprising staff from various disciplines and community members can enhance knowledge sharing and make processes more efficient Characteristics of an Effective Team Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Characteristics of an effective team including mutual respect trust and collaboration should guide teamwork in healthcare settings Open and effective communication is crucial for building respect and trust while clearly defining team members roles prevents conflicts of interest Training and Systemic Changes To address practical diversity issues such as language barriers and cultural practices training programs and diversity coaches can sensitize staff to Haitian culture and values Recognizing and rewarding staff actively participating in improving cultural competency motivates others Systemic issues require an organization wide assessment of cultural biases coupled with mandatory antiracism and diversity training Conclusion Adjusting hiring policies to assess cultural competency alongside academic qualifications and work experience can contribute to a more diverse workforce improving cultural competency Implementing these strategies can enhance the clinic s cultural competency ensuring improved efficiency and patient satisfaction Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample References Center for Community Health and Development 2019 Community Tool Box Section 8 Multicultural collaboration Retrieved from https ctb ku edu en table of contents culture cultural competence multicultural collaboration main Eskenazi Health n d Lisa E Harris MD Retrieved from https fsph iupui edu doc news events Lisa Harris Bio pdf White J Plompen T Tao L Micallef E Haines T 2019 What is needed in culturally competent healthcare systems A qualitative exploration of culturally diverse patients and professional interpreters in an Australian healthcare setting BMC Public Health 19 1096 https doi org 10 1186 s12889 019 7378 9 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free MSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample

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