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Assessment 3 Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Student Name Capella University Course Name Prof Name May 17 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free BSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing Telehealth Introduction The selected technology for this annotated bibliography is Telehealth in Nursing The concept of technology transforming healthcare delivery particularly in nursing care has spurred interest in exploring its potential impact on patient care and nursing practices Telehealth with its promise to connect healthcare providers and patients across distances through virtual consultations and monitoring presents a novel approach to Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free BSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample overcoming barriers Paterson et al 2020 Trusted databases such as PubMed CINAHL and Google Scholar were utilized employing specific search terms like benefits of telehealth challenges of telehealth in nursing and its broader impact on patient care improve hospital to skilled nursing care transitions Preliminary data Journal of Bellantoni J et al 2022 Implementation of a telehealth videoconference to Annotated Bibliography the American Geriatrics Society 70 6 1828 1837 https doi org 10 1111 jgs 17751 This study explores telehealth videoconferencing and its potential to enhance the transfer of patients from hospitals to skilled nursing care facilities The primary objective is to use technology to bridge gaps that often arise during transitions from acute care to skilled nursing settings The technology shows promise in improving patient safety and overall care quality by facilitating smoother handoffs reducing communication errors and enhancing collaboration among healthcare teams Gifford A H et al 2021 Evaluating barriers to and promoters of telehealth during the COVID 19 pandemic at U S cystic fibrosis programs Journal of Cystic Fibrosis 20 9 13 9 13 https doi org 10 1016 j jcf 2021 08 034 This study examines the use of telehealth as a support for U S cystic fibrosis programs during the challenging times of the COVID 19 pandemic It highlights how telehealth transformed patient care and health outcomes for individuals managing cystic fibrosis The article underscores the role of nurses in remote patient monitoring education and ensuring adherence to treatment plans The collaborative efforts of healthcare professionals including nurses physicians and care staff are crucial in successfully implementing telehealth in specialized areas such as cystic fibrosis programs Kobeissi M M Hickey J V 2023 An infrastructure to provide safer higher quality and more equitable telehealth The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety 49 7 https doi org 10 1016 j jcjq 2023 01 006 Kobeissi and Hickey s research focuses on establishing a robust framework for telehealth services that prioritize safety quality and equity The study advocates for seamlessly integrating telehealth into the healthcare landscape to enhance patient outcomes and ensure equitable access to care The authors emphasize the importance of a well planned approach to telehealth implementation highlighting structured systems that adhere to the highest security and quality standards List R et al 2020 Preserving multidisciplinary care model and patient safety during the reopening of ambulatory cystic fibrosis clinic for nonurgent care A Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact bsnwritingservices com Website BSNWritingservices com For Free BSN Sample BSNWritingservices com free Sample hybrid telehealth model Telemedicine and E Health 27 2 https doi org 10 1089 tmj 2020 0247 This study explores a hybrid telehealth approach to maintain patient safety and uphold a comprehensive care approach particularly within an ambulatory cystic fibrosis clinic during the COVID 19 pandemic The hybrid model effectively addresses pandemic related challenges by seamlessly integrating telehealth technologies into the existing care structure Nurses play a pivotal role in facilitating telehealth consultations patient education and remote monitoring enhancing patient safety and health outcomes Summary of Recommendations The collective insights from the four research studies provide a comprehensive understanding of how telehealth reshapes healthcare Organizational factors emerge as critical in effectively implementing telehealth with strategies resources culture accountability training and team empowerment playing significant roles These studies offer a framework for shaping and enhancing telehealth systems emphasizing the importance of adequately preparing healthcare professionals having adaptable policies and prioritizing affordability and quality Integrating these aspects can lead to robust telehealth frameworks that cater to diverse healthcare needs especially in challenging and dynamic environments Different factors influence the decision to introduce new technology into a healthcare setting including organizational policies available resources organizational culture acceptance of change effectiveness of staff training and staff empowerment Taken together these studies present a compelling case for the use of telehealth facilitating smooth transitions between care settings particularly during challenging times such as a pandemic and ensuring patients receive necessary care Telehealth also contributes to more equitable healthcare benefiting both patients and healthcare providers The studies collectively support the notion that telehealth is a valuable tool facilitating online connections between patients and healthcare providers optimizing resource utilization and enhancing overall healthcare efficiency Examining these studies reveals a robust case for integrating patient care technology such as telehealth into healthcare practices Gifford et al 2021 highlight in their research the application of telehealth for cystic fibrosis patients improving healthcare quality and strengthening teamwork among healthcare professionals This study justifies the implementation of telehealth in healthcare settings by providing a real life example that positively impacted patient care and safety All

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