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Prof Name Course Name Student Name Capella University Assessment 4 Remote Collaboration and Evidence Based Care OnlineClassAssignment com July 25 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free BSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Investigating Remote Collaboration and Evidence Based Care in Healthcare OnlineClassAssignment com Hello everyone I m and today we will explore the impact of remote collaboration and evidence based care in healthcare settings We ll review a case study from Vila Health which demonstrates both the complexities and advantages of remote teamwork and its in uence on patient care Our discussion will highlight the bene ts and challenges associated with remote collaboration in healthcare To begin let s de ne remote collaboration This practice involves professionals working together from different locations toward a common goal In healthcare remote collaboration allows professionals at various sites to work in unison to improve patient outcomes Effective communication is essential to ensure successful collaboration and technology plays a crucial role in enabling seamless interactions among healthcare providers regardless of their physical location We will analyze a case study in which the Vila Health team comprising doctors nurses and specialists leveraged telemedicine tools to facilitate remote collaboration To illustrate this consider the case of Caitlyn a two year old patient diagnosed with pneumonia and admitted to the hospital Caitlyn s care team led by Dr Copeland and Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Case Study Overview Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free BSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Developing an Evidence Based Care Plan above ensuring she can breathe comfortably and remain fully conscious Continuous monitoring of Caitlyn s oxygen levels to maintain them at 90 or pediatric nurse Virginia Anderson required the assistance of a respiratory therapist due to Caitlyn s severe breathing issues Following a sweat chloride test it was con rmed that Caitlyn had cystic brosis a chronic condition with lifelong implications Given the logistical challenges posed by geography and her parents work schedules the Vila Health team opted to use remote collaboration to manage Caitlyn s care Through video calls her parents were educated about her condition and remote consultations were conducted with her local pediatrician Telemedicine tools including Skype were utilized to address emergency situations Caitlyn s case highlights the importance of evidence based care where telemedicine played a critical role in ensuring timely interventions thereby improving outcomes and minimizing complications related to cystic brosis At Vila Health Caitlyn s care plan was developed using evidence based strategies including the following key components OnlineClassAssignment com While this care plan is comprehensive it may have certain gaps including the assessment of parental understanding addressing nancial challenges overcoming communication barriers and ensuring the parents sustained commitment to Caitlyn s care temperature regulation and white blood cell count through medication and infection control measures Training Caitlyn s parents on daily airway clearance techniques recognizing early Thorough education for Caitlyn s parents about her condition and treatment plan Regular assessment of arterial blood gases to ensure they stay within normal Ongoing evaluation of Caitlyn s respiratory status including breath sounds Managing symptoms such as cough severity mucus production body signs of respiratory distress and tracking lung function improvements respiratory rate and depth and cough effectiveness Implementing an Evidence Based Care Framework fostering their involvement in her care limits Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free BSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Caitlyn s care plan follows the Knowledge to Action KTA framework a model that emphasizes evidence based care through the following stages Problem Identi cation Develop a community based care plan for a patient with cystic brosis who requires remote collaboration for ongoing management Knowledge Acquisition Review current research on cystic brosis to understand its management in a community setting Knowledge Understanding Use online resources to identify relevant information for further evaluation Reviewing the Evidence future reference in care plan development Knowledge Retention Archive information about cystic brosis management for The KTA model aids in evaluating patient outcomes by monitoring vital signs assessing caregiver understanding and tracking the management of infections additional resources required to address obstacles to her care Knowledge Application Develop a tailored care plan for Caitlyn that focuses on Problem Recontextualization Reassess Caitlyn s condition and identify Belief in Knowledge Accuracy Assess the accuracy of the information by applying the CRAAP criteria Currency Relevance Authority Accuracy and Purpose to ensure reliability and relevance optimizing gas exchange airway clearance techniques infection control and maintaining airway patency OnlineClassAssignment com 3 Pathophysiological knowledge of cystic brosis guiding the development of a 1 Clinical research and guidelines on managing the physical health of cystic 2 Qualitative insights from individuals living with cystic brosis offering psychosocial perspectives that are relevant to Caitlyn s condition Applying the CRAAP criteria ensures that the evidence used is both relevant and effective in managing Caitlyn s health Caitlyn s care plan draws on three main sources Overcoming Collaboration Challenges comprehensive care plan brosis patients Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us contact OnlineClassAssignment com Website OnlineClassAssignment com For Free BSN Sample OnlineClassAssignment com free Sample Interdisciplinary collaboration in managing Caitlyn s cystic brosis provides numerous bene ts by leveraging the expertise of various healthcare professionals for comprehensive disease management Despite geographical and

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CAPELLA NURS FPX 4030 - Assessment 4: Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

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