Test Bank for NCLEX RN 2024

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lOMoARcPSD 40206794 neomycin is also at risk There is no danger to the client if he has an order for a TB skin test ELISA test or chest x ray thus answers A C and D are incorrect 203 Answer B is correct Zantac rantidine is a histamine blocker that should be given with meals for optimal effect not before meals However Tagamet cimetidine is a histamine blocker that can be given in one dose at bedtime Neither of these drugs should be given before or after meals so answers A and D are incorrect 204 Answer C is correct The proximal end of the double barrel colostomy is the end toward the small intestines This end is on the client s right side The distal end as in answers A B and D is on the client s left side 205 Answer A is correct If the nurse checks the fundus and finds it to be displaced to the right or left this is an indication of a full bladder This finding is not associated with hypotension or clots as stated in answer B Oxytoxic drugs Pitocin are drugs used to contract the uterus so answer C is incorrect It has nothing to do with displacement of the uterus Answer D is incorrect because displacement is associated with a full bladder not vaginal bleeding 246 Chapter 3 206 Answer C is correct Clients with an internal defibrillator or a pacemaker should not have an MRI because it can cause dysrhythmias in the client with a pacemaker If the client has a need for oxygen is claustrophobic or is deaf he can have an MRI but provisions such as extension tubes for the oxygen sedatives or a signal system should be made to accommodate these problems Therefore answers A B and D are incorrect 207 Answer C is correct A six month old is too old for the colorful mobile He is too young to play with the electronic game or the 30 piece jigsaw puzzle The best toy for this age is the cars in a plastic container so answers A B and D are incorrect 208 Answer C is correct The client with polio has muscle weakness Periods of rest throughout the day will conserve the client s energy A hot bath can cause burns however a warm bath would be helpful so answer A is incorrect Strenuous exercises are not advisable making answer B incorrect Visual disturbances that are directly associated with polio cannot be corrected with glasses therefore answer D is incorrect lOMoARcPSD 40206794 209 Answer B is correct The client with a protoepisiotomy will need stool softeners such as docusate sodium Suppositories are given only with an order from the doctor Methergine is a drug used to contract the uterus and Parlodel is an anti Parkinsonian drug therefore answers A C and D are incorrect 210 Answer C is correct Total Parenteral Nutrition is a high glucose solution This therapy often causes the glucose levels to be elevated Because this is a common complication insulin might be ordered Answers A B and D are incorrect TPN is used to treat negative nitrogen balance it will not lead to negative nitrogen balance Total Parenteral Nutrition can be managed with oral hypoglycemic drugs but it is difficult to do so Total Parenteral Nutrition will not lead to further pancreatic disease 211 Answer B is correct The client who is 10 weeks pregnant should be assessed to determine how she feels about the pregnancy It is too early to discuss preterm labor too late to discuss whether she was using a method of birth control and after the client delivers a discussion of future children should be instituted Thus answers A C and D are incorrect 212 Answer A is correct The best IV fluid for correction of dehydration is normal saline because it is most like normal serum Dextrose pulls fluid from the cell lactated Ringer s contains more electrolytes than the client s serum and dextrose with normal saline will also alter the intracellular fluid Therefore answers B C and D are incorrect 213 Answer A is correct A thyroid scan uses a dye so the client should be assessed for allergies to iodine The client will not have a bolus of fluid will not be asleep and will not have a urinary catheter inserted so answers B C and D are incorrect 214 Answer B is correct RhoGam is used to prevent formation of Rh antibodies It does not provide immunity to Rh isoenzymes eliminate circulating Rh antibodies or convert the Rh factor from negative to positive thus answers A C and D are incorrect lOMoARcPSD 40206794 215 Answer B is correct A client with a fractured foot often has a short leg cast applied to stabilize the fracture A spica cast is used to stabilize a fractured pelvis or vertebral fracture Kirschner wires are used to stabilize small bones such as toes and the client will most likely have a cast or immobilizer so answers A C and D are incorrect Practice Exam 3 and Rationales 247 216 Answer A is correct Iridium seeds can be expelled during urination so the client should be taught to strain his urine and report to the doctor if any of the seeds are expelled Increasing fluids reporting urinary frequency and avoiding prolonged sitting are not necessary therefore answers B C and D are incorrect 217 Answer C is correct Immunosuppressants are used to prevent antibody formation Antivirals antibiotics and analgesics are not used to prevent antibody production so answers A B and D are incorrect 218 Answer A is correct Before cataract removal the client will have Mydriatic drops instilled to dilate the pupil This will facilitate removal of the lens Miotics constrict the pupil and are not used in cataract clients A laser is not used to smooth and reshape the lens the diseased lens is removed Silicone oil is not injected in this client thus answers B C and D are incorrect 219 Answer C is correct Placing simple signs that indicate the location of rooms where the client sleeps eats and bathes will help the client be more independent Providing mirrors and pictures is not recommended with the client who has Alzheimer s disease because mirrors and pictures tend to cause agitation and alternating healthcare workers confuses the client therefore answers A B and D are incorrect 220 Answer C is correct A Jackson Pratt drain is a serum collection device commonly used in abdominal surgery A Jackson Pratt drain will not prevent the need for dressing changes reduce edema of the incision or keep the common bile duct open so answers A B and D are incorrect A t tube is used to keep the common bile duct open 221 Answer C is correct The infant who is 32 weeks gestation will not be able to control his head so head lag will be present Mongolian spots are common in African American infants

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