Test Bank for NCLEX RN 2024

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lOMoARcPSD 40206794 to the third or fourth dose The times in answers A C and D are incorrect times to draw blood levels 183 Answer B is correct The client using a diaphragm should keep the diaphragm in a cool location Answers A C and D are incorrect She should refrain from leaving the diaphragm in longer than eight hours not four hours She should have the diaphragm resized when she gains or loses 10 pounds or has abdominal surgery 184 Answer C is correct Mothers who plan to breastfeed should drink plenty of liquids and four glasses is not enough in a 24 hour period Wearing a support bra is a good practice for the mother who is breastfeeding as well as the mother who plans to bottle feed so answer A is incorrect Expressing milk from the breast will stimulate milk production making answer B incorrect Allowing the water to run over the breast will also facilitate letdown when the milk begins to be produced thus answer D is incorrect 185 Answer A is correct The facial nerve is cranial nerve VII If damage occurs the client will experience facial pain The auditory nerve is responsible for hearing loss and tinnitus eye movement is controlled by the Trochlear or C IV and the olfactory nerve controls smell therefore answers B C and D are incorrect 244 Chapter 3 186 Answer B is correct Clients taking Pyridium should be taught that the medication will turn the urine orange or red It is not associated with diarrhea mental confusion or changes in taste therefore answers A C and D are incorrect Pyridium can also cause a yellowish color to skin and sclera if taken in large doses 187 Answer B is correct Accutane is contraindicated for use by pregnant clients because it causes teratogenic effects Calcium levels apical pulse and creatinine levels are not necessary therefore answers A C and D are incorrect 188 Answer D is correct Clients taking Acyclovir should be encouraged to drink plenty of fluids because renal impairment can occur Limiting activity is not necessary nor is eating a high carbohydrate diet Use of an incentive spirometer is not specific to clients taking Acyclovir therefore answers A B and C are incorrect lOMoARcPSD 40206794 189 Answer A is correct Clients who are pregnant should not have a CAT because radioactive isotopes are used However clients with a titanium hip replacement can have an MRI or CAT scan so answer B is incorrect No antibiotics are used with this test and the client should remain still only when instructed so answers C and D are not specific to this test 190 Answer D is correct Clients taking Amphotericin B should be monitored for liver renal and bone marrow function because this drug is toxic to the kidneys and liver and causes bone marrow suppression Jaundice is a sign of liver toxicity and is not specific to the use of Amphotericin B Changes in vision are not related and nausea is a side effect not a sign of toxicity nor is urinary frequency Thus answers A B and C are incorrect 191 Answer C is correct The client with chest pain should be seen first because this could indicate a myocardial infarction The client in answer A has a blood glucose within normal limits The client in answer B is maintained on blood pressure medication The client in answer D is in no distress 192 Answer B is correct Pancreatic enzymes should be given with meals for optimal effects These enzymes assist the body in digesting needed nutrients Answers A C and D are incorrect methods of administering pancreatic enzymes 193 Answer C is correct The lens allows light to pass through the pupil and focus light on the retina The lens does not stimulate the retina assist with eye movement or magnify small objects so answers A B and D are incorrect 194 Answer C is correct Miotic eyedrops constrict the pupil and allow aqueous humor to drain out of the Canal of Schlemm They do not anesthetize the cornea dilate the pupil or paralyze the muscles of the eye making answers A B and D incorrect 195 Answer A is correct When using eyedrops allow five minutes between the two medications therefore answer B is incorrect These medications can be used by the same client but it is not necessary to use a cyclopegic with these medications making answers C and D incorrect lOMoARcPSD 40206794 196 Answer B is correct Clients with color blindness will most likely have problems distinguishing violets blues and green The colors in answers A C and D are less commonly affected Practice Exam 3 and Rationales 245 197 Answer D is correct The client with a pacemaker should be taught to count and record his pulse rate Answers A B and C are incorrect Ankle edema is a sign of right sided congestive heart failure Although this is not normal it is often present in clients with heart disease If the edema is present in the hands and face it should be reported Checking the blood pressure daily is not necessary for these clients The client with a pacemaker can use a microwave oven but he should stand about five feet from the oven while it is operating 198 Answer A is correct Clients who are being retrained for bladder control should be taught to withhold fluids after about 7 p m or 1900 The times in answers B C and D are too early in the day 199 Answer D is correct Cranberry juice is more alkaline and when metabolized by the body is excreted with acidic urine Bacteria does not grow freely in acidic urine Increasing intake of meats is not associated with urinary tract infections so answer A is incorrect The client does not have to avoid citrus fruits and pericare should be done but hydrogen peroxide is drying so answers B and C are incorrect 200 Answer C is correct NPH insulin peaks in 8 12 hours so a snack should be offered at that time NPH insulin onsets in 90 120 minutes so answer A is incorrect Answer B is untrue because NPH insulin is time released and does not usually cause sudden hypoglycemia Answer D is incorrect but the client should eat a bedtime snack 201 Answer D is correct Methotrexate is a folic acid antagonist Leucovorin is the drug given for toxicity to this drug It is not used to treat iron deficiency anemia create a synergistic effects or increase the number of circulating neutrophils Therefore answers A B and C are incorrect 202 Answer B is correct The client who is allergic to dogs eggs rabbits and chicken feathers is most likely allergic to the rubella vaccine The client who is allergic to

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