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Prof Name Course Name Sept 14 2023 Student Name Capella University Assessment 1 Concept Map MSNwritingservices com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free MSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample Patient Information Name Walter B Harris Gender Male Age 72 MSNwritingservices com Vitals Temperature 37 C 98 6 F Blood Pressure 162 94 mmHg Pulse 92 bpm Respiratory Rate 26 shallow Medical History Hypertension hyperlipidemia chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD Chief Complaint Shortness of breath and difficulty breathing 1 Impaired Gas Exchange Nursing Diagnoses Related Factors Destruction of alveoli narrowed bronchioles air trapping loss of lung elasticity Subjective Data Reports of shortness of breath and difficulty breathing Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free MSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample Objective Data Crackles and wheezing heard on auscultation dyspnea tachypnea nasal flaring use of accessory muscles cyanosis late sign oxygen saturation at 90 on room air 2 Ineffective Airway Clearance accessory muscles 3 Activity Intolerance Nursing Interventions Related Factors Bronchoconstriction increased mucus production Subjective Data Difficulty sleeping flat has been sleeping in a recliner for three nights Objective Data Wheezing on auscultation dyspnea tachypnea use of accessory muscles Rationale Early detection of hypoxemia or hypercapnia 2 Position the patient in an upright or high Fowler s position Rationale Improves lung ventilation and eases breathing Independent Interventions 1 Monitor arterial blood gases oxygen saturation vital signs and assess for signs of restlessness anxiety lethargy or confusion Related Factors Hypoxia mismatch between oxygen supply and demand Subjective Data Reports difficulty breathing while walking short distances Objective Data Cyanosis late sign crackles and wheezing on auscultation use of MSNwritingservices com respiratory failure 2 Encourage the use of deep breathing exercises and an incentive spirometer Rationale Helps prevent complications such as pneumonia and atelectasis Collaborative Interventions 1 Administer oxygen at 2 L min via nasal cannula as prescribed instruct the patient and family not to alter the oxygen level 3 Collaborate with a respiratory therapist to teach and reinforce effective coughing techniques Rationale Keeps airways open reduces air trapping and improves breathing efficiency Rationale Oxygen therapy addresses hypoxia but uncontrolled increases may cause Rationale Helps slow the respiratory rate reduces air trapping and prevents fatigue 4 Demonstrate pursed lip and diaphragmatic breathing encouraging regular practice Rationale Emotional well being can positively impact physical health and treatment 5 Provide emotional support to help the patient cope with the diagnosis 3 Teach the patient pursed lip breathing techniques Rationale Aids in clearing secretions and improving alveolar function compliance 4 Recommend enrollment in a pulmonary rehabilitation program Rationale Improves exercise tolerance and reduces the sensation of breathlessness Expected Outcomes Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free MSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample Improved gas exchange with reduced dyspnea Stabilized vital signs and oxygen saturation levels within normal range Clear airways with normal breath sounds and effective secretion management Increased activity tolerance with reduced fatigue Patient able to use pursed lip breathing effectively during physical activities Stable vital signs during exertion reflecting improved physical tolerance MSNwritingservices com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free MSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample References Aein F Aliakbari F 2017 Effectiveness of concept mapping and traditional linear nursing care plans on critical thinking skills in clinical pediatric nursing course Journal of Education and Health Promotion 6 13 Ackley B J Ladwig G B Makic M B F 2016 Nursing diagnosis handbook An evidence based guide to planning care 11th ed Retrieved from https books google co in books id s3OKCwAAQBAJ lpg PP1 pg PP1 v onepage q f fal se Amalakuhan B Adams S G 2015 Improving outcomes in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease The role of the interprofessional approach International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 10 1 1225 1232 Boon C W 2018 Oxygenation In Potter P A Perry A G Stockert P A Hall A M Eds Essentials for nursing practice 9th ed pp 865 916 Retrieved from MSNwritingservices com LeMone P Burke K Dwyer T Levett Jones T Moxham L Reid Searl K 2015 Medical Surgical nursing Critical thinking for person centered care 2nd Australian ed Retrieved from https books google co in books id MDXiBAAAQBAJ lpg PP1 dq LeMone 2C 20Burke 2C 20Dwyer 2C 20Lev ett Jones 2C 20Moxham 2C 20Reid Searl 2C 202015 pg PP1 v onepage q LeMone 20Burke 20Dwyer 20Levett Jones 20Moxham 20Reid Searl 202015 f false https books google co in books id wDtRDwAAQBAJ lpg PP1 pg PR3 v onepage q f fal se Kazanowski M K 2017 End of life care concepts In Ignatavicius D D Workman M L Rebar C R Eds Medical surgical nursing Concepts for interprofessional collaborative care 9th ed pp 103 116 Retrieved from https books google co in books id Qzg1DwAAQBAJ lpg PA244 dq incentive 20spirometer 20prevent 20pneumonia pg PA112 v onepage q f false Linton A D 2015 Introduction to medical surgical nursing 6th ed Retrieved from https books google co in books id o5jTBgAAQBAJ lpg PP1 pg PP1 v onepage q f false Rees H 2017 Care of patients requiring oxygen therapy or tracheostomy In Ignatavicius D D Workman M L Rebar C R Eds Medical surgical nursing Concepts for interprofessional collaborative care 9th ed pp 529 546 Retrieved from https books google co in books id Qzg1DwAAQBAJ lpg PA244 dq incentive 20spirometer 20prevent 20pneumonia pg PA529 v onepage q f false Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni MSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free MSN Sample MSNwritingservices com

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CAPELLA NURS FPX 6021 - Assessment 1 Concept Map

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