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HW 1 4 How does the value of a affect the graph of y ax2 Discuss the case for a 1 and 0s a 1 a 1 The parabola is steeper and opens upwards 0 a 1 The parabola is wider and opens upwards a 1 The parabola has a standard width and opens upwards The value of a affects how wide or narrow the parabola is and whether it opens upwards or downwards 2 Graph y 4 x 2 1 3 Graph the parabola y x2 16x 63 4 Graph the parabola y 2x2 20x 8 5 Graph the parabola y 1 5x2 8 5x 11 5 6 Graph y x 2 4 7 if y f x is 3 3 1 4 3 0 how the points would be translated for y f x 8 if y f x is 2 4 1 5 3 0 how the points would be translated for y f x 9 10 12 According to data the accident rate as a function of the age of the driver in years x can be approximated by the function f x 94 9 2 82x 0 0219x2 for 16 x 85 Find the age at which the accident rate is a minimum and the minimum rate How is the age determined for the age at which the accident rate is a minimum

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GSU MATH 2211 - HW 1.4

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