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EXAM 2 LECTURE 1 London William Pitt Prime Minister gets red by George 3rd of Britain New prime minister is George Grenville Grenville has a cabinet meeting to discuss paying for the French and Indian war Military Cuts are made Forts in NorthWest Territory are closed down Creates danger for British colonials in the NWT Britain created the Proclamation Line of 1763 asking colonials not to go past the line 10 years is the timeline for how long it will take to get the area safe Colonials go anyway 1764 Sugar Act Tax Tax on sugar cane from the West Indies Tari IMPORTANT This leads to NO taxation without representation Desire for sugar cane creates a smuggling ring for sugar cane Known as radicals in the eyes of the British gov These smugglers are considered Patriots by the colonists Search Warrants are required by the British military to search homes property for smuggled sugar The British customs o cials now have gained the privilege of having a writ of assistance a warrant that doesn t have to be issued by a judge Stop trying smugglers in colonial courts and try them in vice admiralty courts 3 man panel no judge no jury Patriots Radicals HATE the new Writ of Assistance Britain isn t getting much money from the Sugar Stamp Act 1765 Tax on O cial Documents such as a Will Marriage Certi cate Death Certi cate Property Deed We now see radicals doing Tar and Feathering Would paint warm tar on you and then throw feathers on you and tie you to a rail and parade you through town Patriots did this to some British colonial o cials Prime Minister George Grenville and Parliament Gives 1 Indirect Representative of the colonies in parliament WE SEND BENJAMIN FRANKLIN background starts his own printing business becomes extremely wealthy Invents Bifocals and the lightning rod He is married but is a womanizer Once in England He gets a mistress He is a brilliant man who loves to socialize He can sit in on sessions of Parliament but he can t vote or introduce legislation He is similar to a lobbyist Sons of Liberty Based in Boston founded by Sam Adams Cousin of John Adams future president Thomas Hutchinson colonial judge who couldn t be bribed Thomas s house gets set on re they are trapped inside but nd their way out No one died but they are sending a strong message 1766 Repeal the Stamp Act Sugar act gets modi ed doesn t get enforced anymore 1766 also the Declaratory Act gets passed Says King and Parliament have absolute power meant to reinforce their power Things cool down in the colonies The radical groups thrive when the British government makes stupid laws and this was a situation that the radicals did not like They had little reason to complain 1767 Charles Townshend Chancellor of the Exchequer secretary of treasury suggested the creation of the Townshend Duty Act Tari on 4 goods Paint Lead Paper and glass The tari would be paid in full by the colonial merchant in Great Britain If he can t pay he won t get the goods The merchant can add the cost of the tari s to the price of his products back in the colonies This worked for a while but the radical groups found out about the Townshend duty Acts Committees of Public Safety Vigilante groups that warn merchants not to purchase more goods from Britain if they are covered by the Townshend Duty Acts Buy smuggled goods They will cost the consumer more but it is the principle Some merchants de ed the radicals and they paid the consequences such as their store or home being destroyed or they might become crispy creatures if they are caught in the burning building The amount of revenue brought in from the Townshend Duty acts dwindled down to almost nothing Once again Radical Activity increased and revenues decreased King George the 3rd FIRES PM George Grenville and promoted Lord North to PM 1770 PM North decides to repeal the Townshend Duty Acts March 1770 Boston Massacre takes place Several drunk patrons start giving a British sentry a hard time and then a crowd starts forming 3 500 colonials form around this British sentry He starts getting scared 60 soldiers arrive as reinforcements They are told not to re at the colonials Then shots are red by whom no one really knows and 5 colonials are killed and 6 wounded The British investigated immediately and arrested 6 British soldiers who were amongst the ones at the time of the Massacre They were charged with murder All 6 soldiers are tried at the same time and John Adams is their lawyer 4 of the soldiers are acquitted and 2 were convicted of manslaughter and they are branded on their thumbs as felons Most colonials believed that justice was achieved Things cooled down again Summer 1771 Boston The Gaspee A air H M S Gaspee was a British patrol ship Her mission was to check for smugglers o the northeastern coast of New England It was low tide and the captain of the Gaspee ordered the Helmsman to steer the ship closer to shore It got stuck on a sandbar Several Sons of Liberty saw the Gaspee stuck on the sandbar and they invaded the ship at 2 00am and set it on re The Gaspee is completely destroyed The British are steamed The Gaspee was a small ship but it was part of the British Navy They announce that the guilty parties will be charged with Piracy which was punishable by Drawing and Quartering It was by design a most horrible and painful death Hanged till you are almost dead then let down and placed on a board and pulled by all 4 limbs by horses after they make an incision in your abdominal cavity and pull out your intestines 1773 Tea Act British East India Company lobby s for monopoly of the sale of tea in the British Empire 3 East India company ships go to Boston loaded with tea 242 chests of tea and they are ransacked and all the tea is thrown overboard by the Sons of Liberty known as the Boston Tea Party In response the British passed the Coercive Acts intolerable acts The coercive acts are 1 East India company gets compensated for lost tea in the harbor 2 The Port of Boston gets closed 100 until further notice 3 Martial Law in all of Massachusetts 4 Bars are all closed 5 Quartering Act British Soldiers must be housed in colonials residences if requested 1774 Colonial Leaders meeting in Pennsylvania First Continental Congress Continental Congress decides to Petition Geroge 3rd and his Prime Minister Lord North They ask for direct representation in parliament among other things The king ignores the petition Radicals of the continental congress call themselves The Minute Men who are volunteer colonials and

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