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3 11 2024 PeerHub For students seeking class material related resources Business Plan Mobile Application Design Document BY CAMDEN HOWELL AND NICK YATH Table of Contents Executive Summary 2 PeerHub Business Model 0 Business Model Canvas Diagram 0 0 Business Model Canvas Explanation 1 Project Management 2 Written Description of Project Steps 2 Work Breakdown Structure Diagram 3 Business Process Model 4 Application Wireframe Models 5 Data Management 6 Data Model 6 Written Explanation 7 Final Reflection 8 Executive Summary PeerHub is a web based company that focuses on aiding students who seek class material and related resources It provides in class resources to students via other students through anonymously posted content We specifically aim to improve peer to peer interactions by providing a platform that allows students to aid each other on a very specific level The backbone of PeerHub is our renowned feedback system which allows users to anonymously rate and review posted material ultimately to ensure quality content across the website Our student led content offers a diverse range of subjects and resources which are posted anonymously to protect user privacy Similar options appear on the market like Chegg and Brainly however they heavily lack a range of content convenience and validity of material overall We offer a competitive edge by prioritizing valid content and giving users access to resources that other companies may not offer PeerHub Business Model Business Model Canvas Diagram Business Model Canvas Explanation Our business model canvas accurately reflects the value propositions of PeerHub and demonstrates the steps we will take to meet those standards Our target market for PeerHub is students seeking in class material via other students For this specific customer segment we prioritize convenience for achieving their goals anonymity to protect against various school rules and diverse range of subjects and content at the disposal of each user Key costs to account for include technological infrastructure and the development maintenance of the website overall To achieve the level of quality by the standards we guarantee investing heavily into the website would be necessary As well as this we would invest heavily in marketing and advertising expenses as to grow the user base dramatically Lastly one important key cost would be paying our staff and workers who contribute to PeerHub as a whole For PeerHub to thrive we would need to secure key partnerships with students marketing affiliates software developers and advertisers We would prioritize our relationship with the students because they are the main customer segment We would do so by building trust with our feedback and rating system and offering user protection Marketing affiliates would be beneficial in spreading our company to more users and we would need software developers to build a strong foundation and reputability Lastly we would secure a relationship with advertisers as an option for a reliable source of revenue Project Management Written Description of Project Steps Step 1 User Research Because PeerHub prioritizes its relationship with students so much it is important to take advice directly from the user base to provide the best experience possible and to attract more users overall We would survey user candidates through discussion groups and adjust our program according to the preferences we received As well as this we would formulate targeted ads and analyze user response We would utilize this process to better our website based on direct user preferences Step 2 Technical Development During this step we would first purchase software then acquire software developers and later scout potential headquarter locations Once this is completed we would research our logistical layout and purchase a headquarters for foundation and reliability in our company This would connect our workers and make communication streams much more efficient in our company Lastly we would develop the software Step 3 Testing and Implementation Once established and prepared we would launch PeerHub and immediately analyze user feedback Once interpreted by our team we would make performance improvements necessary and plan for future updates At this point we would focus on maintaining the app and user satisfaction Work Breakdown Structure Diagram Business Process Model Application Wireframe Models Data Management Data Model Written Explanation In data management we are focused on our users our review actions and course material The user entity is necessary because it provides anonymity for the students using our website Each user has their own identification number a username anonymity protection and a rating based on posted material The rating system provides a resource for other students seeking in class work The review entity has to do with the posted material Each post will receive a review grade comments and a series upvotes downvotes in each comment section This is necessary in provide a reliability system in which other users can refer to in determining which content to reference The last entity has to do with course subjects Each course has a name a code a department and a professor or teacher assigned to it This level of specificity ensures that each student has access to the exact content they seek Final Reflection Overall our group has found this class to be very rewarding The most interesting thing we learned was the lecture about sports analytics We were both athletes in high school so seeing that translated into a business point of view was very interesting for us The least interesting thing for us was the business process model as learning the business terms was confusing at first However once we put together our model we understood why things occurred where they did The workload has been perfect for us as it was thorough enough to learn the material but light enough as to not overwhelm us This course has helped us realize that Management Information Systems are far more important in the business world than we initially thought and companies would not operate without effective systems Regarding usefulness for future careers our group rates this course an 8 We believe the contents of this course are the foundations of the business world so a proper understanding will serve us great in our future business endeavors

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UGA MIST 2090 - PeerHub

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