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Prof Name Course Name Student Name Capella University Assessment 1 Preliminary Care Coordination Plan MSNwritingservices com Sept 07 2024 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free BSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample Introduction MSNwritingservices com Primary care is the initial point of contact within the healthcare system offering accessible comprehensive and patient centered services A well developed care coordination plan is essential for providing holistic primary care This plan outlines the actions responsibilities and roles of healthcare professionals to ensure patient centered care It is crucial to consider physical cultural and psychosocial factors in this plan neglecting these aspects can lead to suboptimal treatment outcomes The plan emphasizes evaluating a speci c health issue setting practical goals and identifying key community resources to ensure a safe and effective care experience thus laying the groundwork for comprehensive patient care Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease COPD is a major health concern marked by air ow obstruction and persistent airway in ammation Contributing factors include exposure to air pollutants smoking and genetic predispositions COPD is anticipated to be the third leading cause of morbidity and mortality by 2030 according to the World Health Organization Evidence based best practices for managing COPD involve lifestyle modi cations such as smoking cessation and regular physical activity alongside pharmacological treatments like bronchodilators and corticosteroids Challenges persist in patient adherence disease progression and variability in treatment responses despite these practices Insightful Analysis of a Health Concern and Best Practices Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free BSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample Attainable Goals to Address Selected Healthcare Problems Community Resources for Continuum of Care Effective COPD management requires setting measurable and realistic goals Key objectives include increasing community awareness about lifestyle changes through educational initiatives promoting environmental cleanliness to reduce pollutant exposure and ensuring medication adherence through education and technological aids like smartphone reminders Success will be assessed by improvements in patient satisfaction enhanced community engagement slowed COPD progression and improved quality of life A robust care coordination plan for COPD should incorporate essential community resources Support groups such as the American Lung Association s Better Breathers Club provide valuable education and support for adherence to treatment Home care services especially those with telemonitoring capabilities can aid in daily management and potentially reduce hospital admissions Rehabilitation programs from esteemed institutions like the Mayo Clinic and Cleveland Clinic are crucial for enhancing the quality of life for individuals with respiratory conditions Utilizing these community resources is vital for optimizing care coordination and improving health outcomes for COPD patients MSNwritingservices com Effective primary care coordination plans that address patient preferences and contextual factors are crucial for enhancing health outcomes Strategically using community resources including support groups and home care services plays a signi cant role in managing conditions like COPD Setting realistic achievable and measurable goals is essential for driving positive changes in patient health thereby improving the quality of care and overall patient well being Conclusion Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free BSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample References Ambrosino N Bertella E 2018 Lifestyle interventions in prevention and comprehensive management of COPD Breathe 14 3 186 194 https doi org 10 1183 20734735 018618 Joshi M Goraya H Joshi A Bartter T 2020 Climate change and respiratory diseases A 2020 perspective Current Opinion in Pulmonary Medicine 26 2 119 127 https doi org 10 1097 MCP 0000000000000656 Hosseinzadeh H Shnaigat M 2019 Effectiveness of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease self management interventions in primary care settings A systematic review Australian Journal of Primary Health 25 3 195 https doi org 10 1071 py18181 Li X Krumholz H M Yip W Cheng K K De Maeseneer J Meng Q Mossialos E Li C Lu J Su M Zhang Q Xu D R Li L Normand S L T Peto R Li J Wang Z Yan H Gao R Chunharas S 2020 Quality of primary health care in China Challenges and recommendations The Lancet 395 10239 1802 1812 https doi org 10 1016 s0140 6736 20 30122 7 Cazzola M Rogliani P Stolz D Matera M G 2019 Pharmacological treatment and current controversies in COPD F1000Research 8 1533 https doi org 10 12688 f1000research 19811 1 MSNwritingservices com L pez Campos J L Quintana Gallego E Carrasco Hern ndez L 2019 Status of and strategies for improving adherence to COPD treatment International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 14 1503 1515 https doi org 10 2147 copd s170848 Yu X Li X Wang L Liu R Xie Y Li S Li J 2019 Pulmonary rehabilitation for exercise tolerance and quality of life in IPF patients A systematic review and meta analysis BioMed Research International 2019 8498603 https doi org 10 1155 2019 8498603 Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Email Us Contact MSNwritingservices com Website MSNwritingservices com For Free BSN Sample MSNwritingservices com free Sample

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