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Math 2250 Calculus I for Science and Engineering Section 64682 Spring 2024 Instructor Email O ce O ce hours TBA Akram Alishahi akram alishahi uga edu Boyd 501 Wed 11 30am 12 30pm Time TR 11 10 am 12 25 am Boyd 0303 W 10 20 am 11 10 am Aderhold Hall 0520 Course Page eLearning Commons https uga view usg edu UGA MATH2250 Website http www math uga edu 2250 Textbooks OpenStax Calculus Volumes 1 available for free here https openstax org details books calculus volume 1 Course Description In this course we will work to develop your critical thinking skills This course focuses on using the derivative to better understand the behavior of functions We will discuss the limit the derivative and the antiderivative both conceptually and computationally Throughout the semester we will use calculus concepts to model and solve various problems in science and engineering with particular emphasis on graphs optimization problems and basic integration problems In these science and engineering problems we will focus on how to transfer course knowledge to speci c applied scenarios Prerequisites MATH 1113 or permission of department Course Format This course will be taught using a lecture method During class you will participate actively in lecture and take notes We will also spend some class time working problems and you will work homework problems outside of class Financial Information For this course you will need to purchase WebAssign access for 30 04 You are allowed to use a TI 30 XS Multiview calculator approximately 20 during quizzes and exams although you may not need one No other calculators are allowed You will be evaluated in the following areas Assignments 1 Midterm exams Our midterm exams will be traditional paper and pencil exams closed note and closed book given during class time No makeup exams will be given and these exams may not be repeated If you are absent from a scheduled midterm and your absence is excused generally this requires a medical or legal explanation with support ing documentation the grade for the missing exam will be replaced with your nal exam grade If you know in advance that you cannot be in attendance for a particular midterm discuss this with me ASAP Tentative midterm dates page 1 of 5 Course Name January 8 2024 Midterm 1 Feb 8 Midterm 2 Mar 19 Midterm 3 Apr 23 2 Cumulative Mass Final Exam Thursday May 2 2024 from 7 p m to 10 p m The nal exam is comprehensive meaning that it covers everything from the whole semester Students from all sections of MATH 2250 take the exam at the same time in a location determined by the registrar Our nal exam will not be in our regular classroom the location will be announced later in the semester UGA Final Exam Schedule https reg uga edu general information calendars final exam schedule If you have three or more exams scheduled during a 24 hour period you are eligible to request a rescheduled exam mass exams are to be rescheduled rst if possible See the o cial UGA policy for details https bulletin uga edu bulletin ind finalexam html 3 Quizzes We will have quizzes in class roughly once per week The three lowest scores will be dropped Make up quizzes will not be given 4 WebAssign Homework You will complete your homework on WebAssign You are allowed to work with other students on homework but please adhere to the academic honesty guidelines posted later in this syllabus for my expectations on how you will col laborate on homework You will have ve submissions per answer box for each open ended homework problem Multiple choice and true false will have 1 or 2 submissions There is no penalty for incorrect submissions for homework assignments If you still do not have the correct answer by your third submission you are strongly encouraged to seek help I can grant additional submissions upon request for the open ended homework problems if you request additional submissions 5 Participation To earn your participation credit for this course you will need to partic ipate in class asking and answering questions and responding to your classmates You can miss three classes without impacting your participation grade further absences will negatively impact your participation grade To participate you must be present but you also must be involved in whatever activities are happening in class Speci cally during group work you must be working on problems with your group Grading Midterms 54 Each exam counts for 18 Final 20 you must take the nal to pass Quizzes 10 roughly once per week WebAssign 12 weekly Participation 4 page 2 of 5 Course Name January 8 2024 Letter Grades Letter grades will be assigned using the following scale 92 89 91 87 88 82 86 79 81 77 78 72 76 69 71 60 68 60 A A B B B C C C D F Getting Help If you re having trouble get help immediately The rst places to look for help are my o ce hours O ce hours are times that I set aside especially for students to come and discuss math When you come to o ce hours you can arrive at any time that is convenient for your schedule not just at the beginning Be sure to allow yourself enough remaining time to ask questions Here are some things we can do during o ce hours go over problems you are stuck on talk about questions from class work discuss strategies for studying taking exams etc talk about how you are doing in the class If you want to meet with me individually or speak privately during o ce hours e g about your grades email me at least 24 hours in advance There are also study hall tutoring options available See https www math uga edu 2250help for more information Course Policy Calculator Policy You may use a TI 30XS Multiview in class or during exams No other calculators will be allowed and sharing of calculators is not permitted Announcements Policy I will make many announcements in class and I will make others using the eLC Announcements tool I may also send some announcements by eLC email or to your campus UGA email address You are responsible for checking eLC and your email for new announcements daily Email Policy Your emails are very much welcome and encouraged Please give me 48 hours to respond For weekend emails that means 48 business day hours which means Wednesday morning I typically do not read or respond to work emails outside of business hours Electronics Policy Laptops cell phones tablets smart watches etc may not be used in class unless we are using them for a learning experience You may not have a smart watch or other personal electronic device on your person during a quiz or exam

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UGA MATH 2250 - Syllabus

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