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Lecture Video 1 01 Introduction Essential Question What is a geospatial technology and how are geospatial technologies relevant to my eld of study Lecture Topics 1 Discuss the syllabus Grading Expectations 2 Discuss the technology requirements 3 Course Overview Learning Objectives 4 The Role of Digital Earth in General Education EGGS GIS Major Minor Course Catalog Description EGGS 160 Digital Earth provides an overview of existing and emerging geospatial technologies their impacts on individuals and society and how they used to solve problems of a geographic nature The course meets for three hours of lecture and demonstration per week Geospatial Technologies What is a geospatial technology or What is GIS Course Objectives Explain the origins development and applications of geospatial technologies Recognize how geographic cartographic concepts and analysis techniques are incorporated in geospatial technologies Recognize the multidisciplinary nature of geospatial technologies and how geospatial technologies allow for new ways to study evaluate describe and interact with geographic space Collect geospatial data design and interpret maps and conduct basic forms of GIS analysis with common geospatial technologies Course Topics Modules Topic 01 Introduction What are Geotechnologies Topic 02 Where in the Geospatial World Are You aka basic mapping concepts Topic 03 Spatial Data Creation and Acquisition Topic 04 GIS and Spatial Analysis Topic 05 Cartography and Geovisualization Topic 06 Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis Topic 07 Future of Geospatial Technologies in General Education in the GIS Major Minor The EGGS Department offers a minor and major in GIS and Spatial Analysis and this course is the introductory course for both degree tracks Minor credits Digital Earth is one of the Electives 3 point credit class Who is this Class for People with an interest in technology People who are interested in a rapidly evolving eld People who think or want to learn to think spatially People who are artistic and or interested in design People who are artistic and or interested in design People looking for careers that involve eld work and getting out of the of ce People who are looking for jobs out of undergrad or opportunities to learn more in graduate school People who didn t realize coming out of high school that geotechnologies have a signi cant impact on our lives and that developing an understanding of geotechnologies can bene t many career tracks Lecture Video 1 02 What are Geotechnologies Essential Question What is a geospatial technology and how are geospatial technologies revenant to my eld of study Lecture Topics 1 What is a geotechnology 2 Course Agenda So what is geospatial technology data Or what is GIS Geographic Information System GIS is kinda like Computer Mapping Example of GIS Google maps Google Earth Professional GIS Software UPS uses GIS to route packages optimize travel times provide real time tracking increase fuel ef ciency GIS can be used in any domain that has traditionally mapped data Can be used for crime mapping real estate biology and shark tracking epidemiology e g tracking COVID social media and mobile apps geotechnologies like remote sensing augmented reality self driving cars 3D mapping drones and gps Textbook De nition A geotechnology aka geospatial technology describes the use of a number of different high tech systems and tools that acquire analyze manage store or visualize various types of location based data Geotechnologies impact our everyday lives but are Geospatial Technologies applicable in your eld of study Think of two examples of how you could use geospatial technologies in your eld of study The Black Mirror show explores geotechnologies It all comes down to location If locations or place are importantly in your academic eld your social life and or your daily activities then the concepts presented in this course are relevant If your academic discipline has traditionally used maps to plot organize and explore data then the concepts presented in his course are relevant to your eld of study Course Objectives Explain the origins development and applications of geospatial technologies Recognize how geospatial cartographic concepts and analysis techniques are incorporated into geospatial technologies Recognize the multidisciplinary nature of geospatial technologies and how geospatial technologies allow for new ways to study describe and interact with geographic space Collect geospatial data design and interpret maps and conduct basic forms of GIS analysis with common geospatial technologies Course Agenda Topics Section 01 What are Geospatial Technologies Section 02 Where in the Geospatial World Are You Earth Shape Latitude Longitude Map Projections Topographic Maps Section 03 Spatial Data Creation and Acquisition Map Design Create Web Maps Choropleth Maps Global Positioning System GPS Geocaching Section 04 GIS and Spatial Analysis Google Maps Google Earth Professional GIS Software Section 05 Cartography and Geovisualization How to create a map Three dimensional visualizations and augmented reality Section 06 Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis Aerial Photography Satellite Images and Drones Section 07 The Future of Geospatial Technologies Career Options Future Developments e g autonomous cars Lecture Topics 1 What is geotechnology 2 Course Agenda Lecture Video 1 03 Applications of Geotech Essential Question What is a geospatial technology and how are geospatial technologies relevant to my eld of study Lecture Topics 1 What are geospatial technologies a deeper dive 2 Applications of geospatial technologies 1 What are Geotechnologies What are geospatial technologies Based on our discussion to date write down a one sentence de nition of a geospatial technology Then list one example of a geo technology Textbook De nition Geospatial technology describes the use of a number of different high tech systems and tools to acquire analyze manage store or visualize various types of location based data Examples GPS GIS Software Remote Sensing Are these technologies geospatial technologies Mobile Devices Cars Drones What about a Google Search or Facebook Meta A Google Search for Pizza A Facebook Meta IM Application The Main Point Any software or technology that creates analyzes or displays spatial information is a Some technologies originated as a geotechnology e g GIS GPS Other technologies have incorporated geotechnology features or functionality e g geospatial

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