CAPELLA NURS FPX 4900 - Assessment 3: Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations
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Assessment 3 Assessing the Problem Technology Care Coordination and Course Name Student Name Capella University Community Resources Considerations NURSFPX com June 06 2024 Prof Name Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Call Us Now 516 218 0006 Email us at Contact nursfpx com Website NURSFPX com For Free BSN Sample NURSFPX com free Sample NURSFPX com This nal project explores the application of healthcare technology care coordination practices and community resources to address childhood obesity focusing on John a 10 year old The study aims to evaluate how healthcare technologies can assist John in managing obesity and improving his overall health Additionally it assesses the importance of seamless care coordination in addressing obesity and related health issues in pediatric settings emphasizing collaborative efforts across healthcare disciplines to develop a holistic care plan for John Lastly it examines local resources available to John and his family to Assessing the Situation Technology Care Coordination and Community Resource Considerations Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Call Us Now 516 218 0006 Email us at Contact nursfpx com Website NURSFPX com For Free BSN Sample NURSFPX com free Sample combat obesity and promote healthier lifestyles Each aspect will be comprehensively analyzed throughout this study Analyzing the Impact of Healthcare Technologies on Clinical Obesity Implications of Healthcare Technologies for John s Obesity Healthcare technologies particularly telehealth and electronic health records EHRs play pivotal roles in managing childhood obesity Telehealth facilitates real time interactions between patients and healthcare providers enabling ongoing communication progress tracking and personalized feedback which fosters positive changes in health behaviors EHRs consolidate patient information supporting informed decision making and early detection of health risks Seamless data sharing in EHRs ensures a well informed treatment approach especially in multidisciplinary settings Furthermore EHRs contribute to comprehensive databases that inform evidence based practices and healthcare policies Telehealth and EHRs signi cantly enhance obesity management by improving communication real time responsiveness data accessibility and care coordination ultimately leading to enhanced patient outcomes NURSFPX com While advanced technologies such as telehealth and EHRs revolutionize healthcare delivery they also present challenges Telehealth improves accessibility and cost effectiveness but requires technical pro ciency and may encounter connectivity issues EHRs provide comprehensive health history access enhancing care quality but are associated with potential data security risks and high implementation costs Recognizing these pros and cons is essential for maximizing the bene ts of healthcare technologies Advantages and Disadvantages of Speci c Technologies Consistency of Technology Use in Nursing Practice Technology particularly telehealth and mobile health apps is integral to modern nursing practice Telehealth enables continuous patient contact beyond clinical settings managing chronic conditions like obesity through regular monitoring Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Call Us Now 516 218 0006 Email us at Contact nursfpx com Website NURSFPX com For Free BSN Sample NURSFPX com free Sample Role of Care Coordination Utilization of Community Resources Care Coordination and Utilization of Community Resources and health education Mobile health apps empower patients to self monitor behaviors promoting active engagement in their healthcare journey Despite challenges EHR systems e ciently document and retrieve patient data supporting interdisciplinary collaboration crucial for obesity management Challenges are viewed as opportunities for improvement driving technology optimization in healthcare Care coordination involves collaborating with diverse healthcare providers to ensure comprehensive and consistent care especially for patients with chronic conditions such as obesity Effective coordination enhances patient outcomes by minimizing gaps in care delivery and promoting holistic health management NURSFPX com HIPAA guidelines ensure the secure handling of health information aligning with ANA standards for patient centered care coordination Community resources including tness centers and nutritional support groups play vital roles in managing obesity by offering supportive environments and accessible interventions Identifying and addressing barriers to utilizing these resources is critical for optimizing healthcare delivery and patient outcomes Nursing practice standards and policies signi cantly in uence the integration of technology care coordination practices and community resource utilization in healthcare Nursing Practice Standards and Policies for Healthcare Technology Care Coordination and Community Resource Utilization The American Nurses Association ANA advocates for the ethical use of healthcare technology prioritizing patient privacy and con dentiality Nurses are encouraged to identify and connect patients with community resources while respecting patient autonomy and privacy Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Call Us Now 516 218 0006 Email us at Contact nursfpx com Website NURSFPX com For Free BSN Sample NURSFPX com free Sample Ethical principles guide decision making in adopting health technologies coordinating care and utilizing community resources ensuring patient centered care and ethical practice Conclusion Effectively addressing clinical obesity in children like John requires a comprehensive approach integrating technology care coordination and community resources Adherence to nursing ethics and professional standards ensures patient centered care safeguarding patient rights and interests Awareness and adherence to local state and federal policies further enhance the e ciency and effectiveness of patient care In summary the integration of technology robust care coordination and community resources guided by ethical standards and policies promises improved long term health outcomes and enhanced quality of life for individuals like John NURSFPX com Do you need Help to complete your Capella Uni BSN FlexPath Class in 1 Billing Call Us Now 516 218 0006 Email us at Contact nursfpx com Website NURSFPX

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CAPELLA NURS FPX 4900 - Assessment 3: Assessing the Problem: Technology, Care Coordination, and Community Resources Considerations

Pages: 7
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