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ENGINEERING 270B 1 unit R D TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT ETHICS COURSE SYLLABUS Fall 2024 Faculty Professor Piracci tina piracci berkeley edu Course Coordinator Jack Guan jackguan berkeley edu Class Grader Mohammad Parsa mparsa berkeley edu For attendance and participation grading concerns please contact Jack Class Dates August 13 16 19 22 2024 Format Remote via Zoom Please note all sessions are automatically recorded Zoom links Please ensure you are attending the correct section for which you are registered Section 016 at 1 45 pm 3 15 pm PST https berkeley zoom us j 98210988971 pwd kf8HfuhfVTZg7dY8F9Ftw 91FOUCeQi 1 Meeting ID 982 1098 8971 Passcode 720604 Section 017 at 3 30 pm 5 pm PST https berkeley zoom us j 92784923664 pwd YkaK7qnvo5djyUE03cxz 9uA0Xrdsc7 1 Meeting ID 927 8492 3664 Passcode 336298 For Dial In options in either section please see below https berkeley zoom us u akGToLv4J use respective meeting ID passcode Please note class starts promptly at the scheduled start time not at Berkeley time ie 10 minutes after the class has started Office hours virtually by appointment Required Readings https hbsp harvard edu import 1193172 with Harvard Business School cases articles as assigned Each student must purchase the coursepack Please do so asap and get started with the reading as the course moves quickly Course Format Over the course of the boot camp students will gain proficiency in verbal leadership through discussions of technology and business case studies They will gain exposure to a wide variety of managerial approaches technologies personalities and business models Topics will include technology management Intellectual Property basics and strategy ethics and leadership Students will be required to employ technical and qualitative analysis while digesting and dissecting case studies in class projects and guest speaker presentations Class discussions will focus on issues raised in case studies including analysis brainstorming diagnosis and recommendations Class Participation Students are expected to participate in class as interaction AND JOINT CONTRIBUTION are key learning elements in verbal leadership and the case study method Participation is based on the quality of response not quantity if you are talking in every class then time your most important contributions carefully Quality participation includes but is not limited to showing a depth of understanding of the materials being discussed and or making relevant connections between the discussion topics and students professional experiences and by far the most important making effective concise and evidence based arguments in answering questions posed by the professor and students It is also important to time one s contributions for maximum effectiveness This requires judgment and if you have already talked a great deal starting to keep your hand done except when you have an exceptional comment After you have established consistent participation showing judgment on when to raise your hand will greatly increase your chances of an A Students who are having trouble speaking in class for whatever reason should discuss strategies with their instructor sooner rather than later Participating in in person or remote discussions is an important professional educational skill that may take time multiple attempts learning and iterative improvement The process of the case discussion is just as important if not more important as the content Cases simulate small group meetings where you have to listen carefully adjust your contribution real time respond to questions debate opposing viewpoints and perform under pressure and public scrutiny Case Discussion Section Etiquette No communication of answers is allowed between sections You are strongly encouraged to prepare together within any particular guidelines set by the instructor But you cannot share across sections once one student has experienced the teaching This rule is to be fair to your fellow students but it s also good for you It s like copying answers without experiencing the learning that gets you there It s cheating you and your peers and robbing you of the opportunity to gain the skills of real time processing and discussion Full attendance is mandatory Attendance and participation will greatly impact your final grade which includes having your video turned on for the majority of the sessions For entirely online sections Test your internet connection and technology well before class starts at least 5 minutes early so you have time to reboot your computer and troubleshoot if needed as these tardies can also negatively contribute to your grade Since you don t have to get to class physically this extra time is not unreasonable Some students have found the following to be helpful in preparing case studies https hbsp harvard edu import 1198699 Late Assignment Policy Unless you have an extreme emergency there is no credit for late assignments Case Discussion Participation Grading Rubric 3 demonstrates complete lack of preparation 2 does poorly on cold call 1 tardy or repeats previous comment 0 no comment 1 2 to 1 basic comment provides case facts no special insight 2 very good comment or relevant personal narrative 3 outstanding comment sometimes none or only 1 or 2 per class A A B B B C 93 100 90 92 99 87 89 99 83 86 99 80 82 99 77 79 99 Although we will have written assignments to assess your preparation and analysis you still must speak sometimes to get a good grade If you have not spoken once by the beginning of the third class you should make the instructor aware that you need to be called on Similarly if you have not spoken twice by the beginning of the fifth class or three times by the beginning of the seventh class you should make the instructor aware you have not been called on Speaking too much unnecessarily is also not helpful and will detract from a student s grade particularly if the comments are not concise pertinent and central to the discussion In other words a high volume of contributions can work against you if your contributions are not of high quality Speaking in every class is encouraged as long as you are careful to limit your comments to high impact contributions Grading is done holistically on your day s contribution a single high impact contribution or an effective and sustained debate of a particular point with other students will earn you a high grade while a number of disjointed and less important points will not earn you a high grade merely through

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Berkeley ENGIN 270B - Syllabus

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