ATP Def The large molecule of energy commonly known as energy currency of cell which is made and broken by the cell for it requirements ATP as energy currency of cell The cell make the ATP to store energy For it s requirements I e Division broken of molecules etc Similarly it break this molecule To get energy ATP is composed of three components i e Ribose sugar Adenine Phosphate group Pusphate group Is the bond formed between three pusphates This energy is released in the process of respiration when the The food molecule is broken down to carbon di oxide Water And energy in the form of ATP ATP is required for cell as like the petrol required for vehicle ATP ADP cycle Whenever cell experience a deficiency of energy it breaks the one bond of pusphate in the presence of water and as a result 7 3 k cal 7 300 calories energy is released with one inorganic pusphate reduced the ATP to ADP adenosine di pusphate Similarly when this cell has fulfilled from energy it store the access amount of energy For storing the inorganic pusphate water combine with ADP to farm ATP Role of exited electrons in ATP ADP cycle Exited electrons are those electrons which is exited prepare to Make ATP from ADP and inorganic pusphate so this exited Electrons has the key role in ATP ADP cycle So cell simultaneously make ATP from ADP and break the ATP to ADP
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