EPID 600 Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health Syllabus Fall Term 2023 3 Credits Course Description Epid 600 Principles of Epidemiology for Public Health is an introductory course that considers the meaning scope and applications of epidemiology to public health practice and the uses of vital statistics data in the scientific appraisal of community health One lecture and two lab hours per week Prerequisites None Instructor Karin Yeatts PhD MS Associate Professor Department of Epidemiology Karin Yeatts unc edu Doctoral Teaching Assistants Doctoral Student Kate Fitch Dept of Epidemiology Doctoral Student Jordyn Brown Dept of Epidemiology Email jordyn brown unc edu Doctoral Student Oluwasolape Sola Olawore Doctoral Student Luis Zambrana Dept of Epidemiology Email oolawore unc edu luis zambrana med unc edu Dept of Epidemiology Email Email katev email unc edu Office Hours Weekly hours posted on Sakai Available by appointment Course Website On Sakai use your ONYEN and password Page 1 of 12 Class Days Times Location Tuesdays 3 30 4 45 pm ROS 133 Wed and Thurs Labs 3 30 4 45 Location To be posted Course Format Student will engage in collaborative and active learning through team projects individual exams some with data analysis case studies quizzes and lab discussions Required Readings Course resources are located on the course Sakai website They include the following instructions for labs individual and team project assignments ERIC Notebooks epidemiology methods periodical free for students course handouts links to journal articles or other readings The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus including topics readings assignments and due dates Any changes will be announced as early as possible For session by session course schedule details please see the course schedule posted on the Sakai course site Course at a Glance The instructor reserves the right to make changes to the syllabus including topics readings assignments and due dates Any changes will be announced as early as possible For session by session course schedule details please see the course schedule posted on the Sakai course site Course Assignments and Assessments This course will include the following graded assignments that contribute to your final grade in the course For assignment descriptions and assignment grading rubrics please see the Sakai course site Individu al Tea m Assignment Individual Exams 3 Quizzes 4 drop lowest Participation Lab assignments 11 drop lowest Team Project 3 parts Presentations Final Exam Saturday Dec 9 4pm 4 7pm Attendance Mandatory Total Grade Percentage of 30 15 5 20 30 100 Assignment Descriptions Students will work individually on assignments unless indicated assignment is team based Page 2 of 12 Individual Exams 1 2 3 The intent of these exams is for you to integrate epidemiologic concepts and data analysis In some of the exams you will use Epi Info software and a data set to compute measures of occurrence association and assess potential confounding You will also practice critiquing and interpreting the published literature Quizzes You will have 4 on line quizzes The quizzes will cover measures of disease occurrence measures of comparison association study design and systematic error The lowest grade will be dropped Lab Assignments You will have 11 graded labs Your lab grade is comprised of 20 pre lab work graded on full completion and 80 team submission graded on accuracy The lowest three pre and team lab grades will be dropped Details are provided in the lab instructions document in the syllabus folder Team Project Parts 1 2 3 With your teammates you will design and conduct a small cross sectional epidemiologic study and present the results to the class at the end of the semester Three team peer assessments will contribute to your team project grade Participation You will be evaluated on your course engagement in lab and lecture Lab participation is part of your weekly team lab grade Lecture participation grade consists of two parts 40 from participating in up to 10 randomly selected lecture questions during the semester and 60 from attendance Extra credit There may be a few opportunities in lecture to earn extra credit at the instructor s discretion Course Design Methods Structure We emphasize active and cooperative learning to bring students together in small fixed teams to work on structured learning tasks The faculty and TA are there to steer your team as a consultant would on a path toward reaching your team answers Teams Given the course emphasis on collaborative learning we expect each team member to contribute meaningfully and team members to hold each other accountable Students will be assigned to teams by the end of the first full week of class these teams will be listed within the Syllabus tab on the course website Teams will each have approximately five members with a mixture of students from different disciplines in the Gillings School of Global Public Health Time Commitment for this Course This course requires approximately 9 to 12 hours per week If you decide to withdraw from the course at any time please notify Dr Yeatts Karin Yeatts unc edu and your TA Course Schedule Sometimes unexpected events occur hurricanes snow storms power outages etc we reserve the right to modify the syllabus and assignment due dates Dr Page 3 of 12 Yeatts will announce any changes via the Sakai announcements so that students can adjust their schedules Course Assignment Formatting Requirements Use Arial font with 1 margins Page length font size and spacing will be indicated in assignment instructions Use the American Medical Association s AMA Manual of Style 10th edition A Guide for Authors and Editors Section 1 Part 3 for formatting references Course Grading Scale s Letter grades will be assigned according to the following scale Undergraduate students A 94 00 100 A 90 93 99 B 87 89 99 B 83 86 99 B 80 82 99 C 77 80 99 C 73 76 99 C 70 72 99 D 67 70 99 D 63 66 99 D 50 62 99 and F 50 Graduate students H 94 00 100 P 70 93 99 L 50 69 99 and F 50 Due Dates Due dates for all assignments will be listed in the course schedule and on the main course materials page Almost all assignments are due at 11 55 pm Eastern Standard Time EST on the date listed Late Penalties Late individual and team assignments will have 10 of total value deducted for every day that they are late Map of Competencies to Learning Objectives and Assessment Assignments Below you will see the program
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