Department of Nutrition UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health NUTRITION 611 Nutrition Across the Life Cycle Fall 2016 Tu Th 2 00 3 15 pm Rosenau 228 3 Credits Instructors Amanda Holliday M S R D LDN 2211 McGavran Greenberg Hall School of Public Health Dept of Nutrition Phone 919 966 7214 Email amanda holliday unc edu Twitter amandasholliday Blog www tiny cc 3squares Office hours by appointment Heather M Wasser PhD MPH RD IBCLC 2200 McGavran Greenberg Hall School of Public Health Dept of Nutrition Phone 919 843 4788 Email wasser email unc edu Office hours by appointment Teaching Assistant Kathryn Bernstein MPH RD Student Email kathryn bernstein unc edu Course Description Carmen Samuel Hodge PhD MS RD LDN School of Public Health Dept of Nutrition 1700 MLK Jr Blvd Room 250 Phone 919 966 0360 Email carmen samuel unc edu Office hours by appointment This course is concerned with nutrition during major phases of the life cycle It will include units on 1 women s health during the preconception period pregnancy and lactation as well as infant nutrition 2 childhood and adolescence 3 adulthood and 4 older adults 65 Class sessions are meant to be engaging and include lectures class debates discussion questions and presentations by students Course Objectives The student will 1 Understand the biological basis of energy and nutrient requirements during pregnancy and lactation infancy childhood adolescence and the older adults 65 Understand the consequences of energy and nutrient inadequacies and excesses and identify major public health problems related to each phase of the life cycle Be able to identify socioeconomic cultural and environmental barriers to meeting nutrient needs and be aware of and value these critical determinants of health in informing the development of nutrition programs and policies targeted to different phases of the life cycle Analyze and evaluate scientific evidence related to nutritional needs requirements and health issues of women of reproductive age infants children adolescents adults and older adults Integrate information from a variety of sources to develop a comprehensive understanding of nutrition as it relates to the different phases of the life cycle 1 2 3 4 5 Student Learning Outcomes covered in this course KRD 5 2 The physical and biological science foundation of the dietetics profession must be evident in the curriculum Course content may include organic chemistry biochemistry physiology genetics microbiology pharmacology statistics nutrition metabolism and nutrition across the lifecycle Readings Class readings will be from review articles original research articles government reports and chapters in textbooks All of the readings except those from the Brown textbook will be available on Sakai Class podcasts videos and interactive content links will also be posted on Sakai and on the course syllabus Required Textbook Judith E Brown Nutrition through the life cycle 5th Ed Cengage Learning 2014 5th Edition only please This book is available at the campus bookstore and on reserve at the HSL You can purchase the ebook or rent the text for a reduced price at http www cengagebrain com shop search 9781133600497 or on Amazon Course Requirements and Grades Final grades will be based upon the completion of the following assignments and exams Task Case Studies 4 Total 1 per Life Stage Lifecycle Project Reflection Final Exam Total Date See Table Below or Syllabus December 6th 2016 or Before Value 800 100 200 Saturday December 10th 2016 at Noon 1100 Letter grades are assigned according to the following scale H 1100 1034 P 1033 769 L 768 715 F 715 A 1100 1033 A 1032 990 B 989 957 B 956 913 B 912 881 C 880 848 C 847 804 C 803 772 D 771 739 D 738 695 D 694 651 F 651 Note Students who have a documented disability from the UNC Office of Accessibility will be provided alternative testing arrangements Late projects and papers will not be accepted Students are required to take final examinations as scheduled The only exceptions are for illness as documented by being on infirmary list at Campus Health Services or for other medically documented or family or personal emergency situations A student must meet with an academic dean to request permission for an examination excuse and documentation will be required Honor System As part of the UNC Honor Code Carolina students pledge to maintain ideals of academic honesty personal integrity and responsible citizenship These ideals are embodied in the Honor Code set forth in the Instrument with the support of students faculty and staff When a student applies to Carolina he undertakes a commitment to the principles embodied in the Honor Code The University endeavors to instill in each student a love of learning a commitment to fair and honorable conduct and respect for the safety and welfare of others It also strives to protect the community from those who for whatever reason do not embody these values in their conduct and to protect the integrity of the University and its property for the benefit of all Online Course Evaluation 2 UNC uses an online evaluation system to assess the quality of instruction and learning of the courses offered During the last few weeks of the course an e mail will notify you that the system is open with a link to access the form This evaluation system is anonymous The instructors will only see the aggregate data with any comments at the end of the course after grades are turned in It is your responsibility as a student to complete the evaluations You will be sent multiple e mails until it is completed Laptop Policy We are pleased to have students take notes via laptops However we expect that students who bring their laptops to class will use them for academic purposes and not for surfing the internet or other extracurricular activities not related to the class discussion Please remember that engaging in such activities during class time is disruptive to fellow students who can see your screen It is also unacceptable for any of our esteemed visiting guest lecturers to see such non academic activities during class time Course Components 1 Case Studies Case Studies will be assigned approximately one week before the end of each section Please take notes during lecture and ask questions to help you complete your case study Case studies are mostly short answer and will assist you with applying the knowledge you ve learned in class to a mock client s case Case Studies are due at 2 00pm You must bring a printed
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