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2023 Nutrition 600 Human Metabolism Macronutrients Instructors Susan Smith PhD course director Email Susan Smith unc edu Office hours By appointment only Ian Carroll PhD course director Email ian carroll med unc edu Office hours By appointment only Guest Instructors Ximena Bustamante Marin PhD xmbamarin med unc edu Steve Hursting PhD hursting email unc edu Megan Knuth PhD mmknuth ad unc edu Nipun Saini PhD Nipun Saini unc edu Raz Shaikh PhD shaikhsa email unc edu Abbie Smith Ryan PhD abbsmith email unc edu Saroja Voruganti PhD saroja unc edu TAs Remy Voloshchuk rvolosh unc edu Devika Rajeev devikar live unc edu Time information Fall 2023 10 10 11 00 MWF room MC 2301 Course will be administered live in person and will be recorded Select lectures may be pre recorded Some instructors and students work at distance from campus and will present attend via Zoom Our expectation is that most students and instructors will attend in person Prerequisites NUTR 400 or CHEM BIOL 430 OR a biochemistry course for PhD students CHEM 261 organic chemistry BIOL 252 anatomy physiology or their equivalents Course Description The course focuses on the metabolism of macronutrients in health and disease A key theme throughout is how macronutrients are regulated Topics cover nutrient physiology biochemistry and metabolism from the whole animal level to organs cells and even atoms The overall objective is to understand the complex relationships between macronutrients how these promote human health and how their dysregulation contributes to disease progression and its treatment Text Course Materials Lecture PowerPoints will be available to you at Canvas 24hrs prior to the relevant class We recommend that you review these in advance of each lecture to identify topics that may require additional in class elaboration As a text we recommend Lippincott s Illustrated Reviews 4th 5th or 6th edition Biochemistry but it is optional You are welcome to use another biochemistry text if you prefer as the pathways don t change Exams are based on the lectures and PowerPoints Important Points 1 Cell phones must be off or in vibrate mode during class Please do not be disruptive 2 Plagiarism will result in a zero for the work 3 Sources for information Any source you use for an assignment must be cited This includes the Web Do not use a poor or unreliable source 4 Exams Exam conflicts must be communicated to Dr Smith no later than 2wks after the course start date No make up exams will be given except for emergencies or illness You must document the latter with a letter from a physician 5 Attendance is not taken Lectures are captured so that you can re listen later However most students find that class attendance is helpful 6 Professors and TAs will use Canvas to communicate with the class For questions from students to instructors and TAs please use email 1 2023 Accommodations We want to ensure an optimal environment for students with physical or other disabilities Students with a disability should contact http www unc edu asp index html UNC Learning Center If you are experiencing life events or academic pressures that leave you feeling anxious confused lonely angry depressed or overwhelmed please contact Counseling and Wellness office http campushealth unc edu index php option com content task blogcategory id 33 Itemid 56 Course Policy Topics discussed in class will appear on exams You are responsible for knowing the due dates for assignments and exams Grading Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Exam 4 comprehensive final Forks vs Knives take home Points 20 20 20 25 15 100 100 100 100 100 These are rough guidelines for determining your letter grade from your numerical average This scale assumes a final class average of 84 The scale may shift downward depending on the final average for your group BSPH PhD but it will never increase YOUR FINAL AVERAGE 93 100 89 92 86 88 LETTER GRADE A H A H B P YOUR FINAL AVERAGE 83 85 79 82 75 78 LETTER GRADE B P B P C L YOUR FINAL AVERAGE 70 74 66 69 60 65 LETTER GRADE C L C F D F Expectations Nutrition 600 integrates a large amount of material relevant to biology physiology biochemistry metabolism and human health These are complex topics that require knowledge understanding and critical thinking i e the ability to apply this knowledge to real life problems Students are expected to stay current with the material as the lectures build successively Syllabus Changes The instructors reserve the right to make changes to the syllabus including presentation dates when unforeseen circumstances occur These changes will be announced as early as possible so that students can adjust their schedules Honor Code at the University of North Carolina The principles of academic honesty integrity and responsible citizenship govern the performance of all academic work and student conduct at the University as they have during the long life of this institution Your acceptance of enrollment in the University presupposes a commitment to the principles embodied in the Code of Student Conduct and a respect for this most significant Carolina tradition Your reward is in the practice of these principles Your participation in this course comes with the expectation that your work will be completed in full observance of the Honor Code Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable because any breach in academic integrity however small strikes destructively at the University s life and work If you have any questions about your responsibility or the responsibility of faculty members under the Honor Code please consult with someone in either the Office of the Student Attorney General 966 4084 or the Office of the Dean of Students 966 4041 2 2023 IN CLASS DISCUSSION Monday October 23 Using our course knowledge to date we will discuss the biochemistry underlying two popular diet approaches one that is plant based Forks over Knives and the other that is high protein based Paleo Diet Hence Forks vs Knives We will break into small groups to figure out how each might affect weight loss and then share our knowledge to work out the real mechanisms This is meant to be fun Course Assignments You will be assigned to either the forks or knives diet and based on the metabolic knowledge you have gained to date write a short paragraph on why you think the chosen diet will be effective for weight loss This half page is due PRIOR to our class meeting and submitted using Canvas Following the class discussion you will revise and expand your assignment to

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UNC-Chapel Hill NUTR 600 - Syllabus & Schedule

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