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MSE 200 Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials Prof Elizabeth Kautz Chapters 1 2 1 Prof Elizabeth Kautz Dept of Nuclear Engineering NC State Overview Summary of education experience B S Materials Engineering RPI Materials Engineer KAPL rotational program M S Materials Engineering RPI part time Ph D Intern PNNL Ph D Materials Engineering RPI Post Doctoral RA National Security Directorate PNNL Staff Scientist Energy and Environment Directorate PNNL Asst Professor NCSU JFA with PNNL 2006 2010 2010 2014 2014 2018 2018 2020 2020 2022 2023 20nm Chapters 1 2 2 Research Interests 1 Material detection for nuclear applications e g elemental and isotopic detection for monitoring material processing activities safeguards etc Particulate material formation and agglomeration in explosion accident scenarios focus on understanding debris formed in explosion events i e post detonation debris 2 3 Materials degradation in oxidative corrosive environments e g understanding aging behavior relevant to post detonation debris linking signatures to origin process material processing for improved oxidation or corrosion performance 20 nm 40 nm Chapters 1 2 MSE 200 Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials Course Objective Introduce fundamental concepts in Materials Science You will learn about how structure dictates properties material structure how processing can change structure This course will help you to use materials properly realize new design opportunities with materials Chapters 1 2 4 MSE 200 Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials 1 This course introduces students to the fundamentals of materials science and engineering with an emphasis on atomic bonding crystal structures and defects in metals 1 It will introduce students to the various classes of materials including metals ceramics polymers and composites and their fundamental structures 1 The course will also provide basic diffusion mechanisms metal solidification phase diagrams and heat treatment processes 1 At the end of the course students should be able to apply the knowledge of atomic bonding and crystal structures to predict the physical and mechanical behavior of materials and use the principles of phase diagrams and diffusion to the design of materials and their properties Chapters 1 2 5 How to do well in this course Materials science is different from the other engineering courses it is highly descriptive and theoretical It requires a different approach than your other subjects simply solving example problems will be inadequate Instead you should Attend and take part in the lectures Ask questions Read the sections in the textbook as we go along Add details to the course notes as you read the textbook Do the assignments Teach others the concepts you have learned Chapters 1 2 6 Class Logistics E mail ekautz ncsu edu Prof Office Hours TBD Location TBD TAs check moodle page for details contact info and office hours E mail questions to TA cc me questions about class policy grades should be addressed to me Refer to the syllabus for additional details posted to moodle Chapters 1 2 7 Chapters 1 2 8 Chapters 1 2 9 Chapters 1 2 10 Chapters 1 2 11 Chapter 1 Introduction What is materials science and materials engineering Processing Why should we know about them Structure Properties Because of their major role in our day to day life Materials have historically defined our society Performance Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Age Now Silicon Age Polymer Age Biomaterials Age Nanomaterials Age Chapters 1 2 12 Characterization Chapters 1 2 13 Types of Materials Metals Strong ductile high thermal electrical conductivity opaque reflective Polymers plastics Covalent bonding sharing of e s Soft ductile low strength low density thermal electrical insulators Optically translucent or transparent Ceramics ionic bonding refractory compounds of metallic non metallic elements oxides carbides nitrides sulfides Brittle glassy elastic non conducting insulators Chapters 1 2 14 Chapters 1 2 ELECTRICAL Electrical Resistivity of Copper 6 Physics of Solids 2nd edition McGraw Hill Company New York 1970 y t i v i t s s e R i m m h O 8 0 1 5 4 3 2 1 0 200 100 0 T C Adding impurity atoms to Cu increases resistivity Deforming Cu increases resistivity Chapters 1 2 16 THERMAL Space Shuttle Tiles Silica fiber insulation offers low heat conduction Thermal Conductivity of Copper It decreases when you add zinc Adapted from chapter opening photograph Chapter 19 Callister 7e Courtesy of Lockheed y t Missiles and Space i v Company Inc i t c u d n o C 40 0 30 0 20 0 10 0 0 K m W l a m r e h T 1 0 3 Composition wt 0 0 Zinc 2 0 Nonferrous alloys and Pure Metals 4 0 100 m Lockheed Aerospace Ceramics Systems Sunnyvale CA Chapters 1 2 17 MAGNETIC Magnetic Storage Recording medium is magnetized by recording head Magnetic Permeability vs Composition Adding 3 atomic Si makes Fe a better recording medium Fe 3 Si Fe n o i t a z i t e n g a M Magnetic Field Adapted from C R Barrett W D Nix and A S Tetelman The Principles of Engineering Materials Fig 1 7 a p 9 1973 Electronically reproduced by permission of Pearson Education Inc Upper Saddle River New Jersey Chapters 1 2 18 Fig 20 23 Callister 7e Fig 20 23 is from J U Lemke MRS Bulletin Vol XV No 3 p 31 1990 OPTICAL Transmittance or Aluminum oxide may be transparent translucent opaque depending on the material structure single crystal polycrystal low porosity polycrystal high porosity Adapted from Fig 1 2 Callister 7e Specimen preparation P A Lessing photo by S Tanner Chapters 1 2 19 DETERIORATIVE Stress Saltwater causes cracks Adapted from chapter opening photograph Chapter 17 Callister 7e from Marine Corrosion Causes and Prevention John Wiley and Sons Inc 1975 Heat treatment slows crack speed in salt water 8 1 0 d e e p 1 s k 0 s c a m r c 10 as is held at 160 C for 1 hr before Alloy 7178 tested in testing saturated aqueous NaCl solution at 23 C increasing load Adapted from Fig 11 20 b R W Hertzberg Deformation and Fracture Mechanics of Engineering Materials 4th ed p 505 John Wiley and Sons 1996 Original source Markus O Speidel Brown Boveri Co material 7150 T651 Al alloy Zn Cu Mg Zr 4 m Adapted from Fig 11 26 Callister 7e Fig 11 26 provided courtesy of G H Narayanan and A G Miller Boeing Commercial Airplane Company Chapters 1 2 20 1 2 3 The Materials Selection Process Pick Application Determine required Properties Properties mechanical electrical thermal magnetic optical deteriorative Properties Identify candidate Material s

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NCSU MSE 200 - Mechanical Properties of Structural Materials

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