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Welcome to my notes on Web Development Fundamentals specifically focusing on HTML CSS and JavaScript HTML Structure HTML HyperText Markup Language is used to structure and give meaning to web content It is the backbone of any website Headings HTML uses six levels of headings h1 to h6 to indicate the hierarchy of information on a page Links Hyperlinks are created using the a element The href attribute is used to specify the link s destination HTML Document Object Model DOM The DOM is a programming interface for HTML and XML documents It represents the structure of a document as a tree like model allowing developers to manipulate and access elements using JavaScript Essential HTML Elements and Semantics Semantics Semantic HTML elements clearly describe their meaning in a human and machine readable way Examples include header nav main section article aside and footer Lists HTML provides several types of lists such as ordered lists ol unordered lists ul and description lists dl Forms HTML forms are used to collect user input They consist of elements like form input textarea label button and select HTML Entities Special Characters HTML entities are used to display special characters that cannot be directly typed into HTML code For example copy displays the copyright symbol Images Linking Resizing and Accessibility Images are added using the img element with the src attribute specifying the image source and the alt attribute providing alternative text for accessibility Images can be resized using the width and height attributes or CSS Hyperlinks Target Attributes and Link Types The target attribute in hyperlinks controls where the linked document is displayed self Opens the linked document in the same frame tab as the current document blank Opens the linked document in a new tab or window HTML supports various link types such as rel nofollow to tell search engines not to follow the link Accessibility Alternative Text and Object Fit Alternative text Provide meaningful alternative text for images alt attribute to make the content accessible to users who rely on screen readers or have slow internet connections Object fit The object fit CSS property specifies how an embedded media element such as an image or video should be resized to fit its container Version Control Systems Version control systems like Git help developers manage changes to their code and collaborate more effectively by tracking revisions and enabling team members to work on the same codebase simultaneously These notes cover essential topics related to HTML CSS and JavaScript in web development Further study and practice are necessary to gain a more in depth understanding of these subjects

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Course: Cse 123-
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