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Welcome to Web Development Fundamentals notes HTML Structure Headings and Links HTML is the foundation of web development used to structure the content on a webpage Headings h1 to h6 are used to denote different levels of importance for headings on a page Links a are used to navigate between different pages or resources on the web Essential HTML Elements and Semantics Semantic elements like header footer nav main section article and aside are important for accessibility and organizing the content of a webpage Some essential HTML elements include div span p ul ol li a button form input and img HTML Document Object Model The HTML Document Object Model DOM is a programming interface for HTML documents allowing developers to access and manipulate the elements of a page using JavaScript HTML and CSS Validation Validating HTML and CSS ensures that webpages are properly structured and styled helping to ensure compatibility across different browsers and devices Tools for validation include the W3C Validator https validator w3 org for HTML and Jigsaw https jigsaw w3 org css validator for CSS HTML Entities Special Characters HTML entities can be used to represent special characters like amp lt gt quot and apos that might otherwise cause issues with markup Images Linking Resizing and Accessibility Images can be linked to other pages using the a element and the href attribute Images can be resized using the width and height attributes on the img element Accessibility is important for images which can be enhanced using alt attributes on the img element Hyperlinks Target Attributes and Link Types The target attribute on the a element can be used to specify where a new link should open e g blank for a new tab Different types of links can be used including http https mailto and more Accessibility Alternative Text and Object Fit Accessibility is important for web development ensuring that webpages are accessible to users with disabilities Alternative text alt attributes on images is important for accessibility allowing users who rely on screen readers to understand the content of a page The object fit CSS property can be used to make sure that images and other media fit properly in their containing elements Version Control Systems Version control systems like Git are used to track changes to code and collaborate on projects with other developers Media Embedding Audio and Video Media like audio and video can be embedded on a webpage using HTML CSS and JavaScript The audio and video elements can be used to embed media files with support for various formats like MP3 OGG WAV MP4 WebM and more HTML and CSS Introduction HTML and CSS are the foundations of web development used to structure and style the contents of a webpage HTML provides structure and meaning to the content while CSS provides visual styling through rules and formatting

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ARE CSE 123 - Web Development Fundamentals

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