Nuclear Medicine

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Nuclear Medicine radiopharmaceuticals verified answer nuclear medicine is a medical specialty that focuses on the use of radioactive materials called function verified answer NM studies determine the cause of a medical problem based on organ or tissue injection swallowing or inhalation verified answer in a NM test the radioactive material or tracer is generally introduced into the body by gamma or scintillation camera verified answer what is used to transform these emissions into images that provide info about the function primarily and anatomy of the organ or system being studied 1923 and George de Hevesy verified answer what year and who is the father of nuclear medicine thyroid verified answer what organ was the first to be examined by NM 1958 and Hal Anger verified answer what year and who developed the first gamma camera radioactivity verified answer the term is uses to describe the radiation of energy in the form of high speed alpha or beta particles alpha or beta particles verified answer or waves from the nucleus of an atom protons and neutrons electrons verified answer the basic components of an atom include the nucleus which is composed of varying numbers of and and the orbiting which revolve around the nucleus in discrete energy levels stability verified answer the total number of protons neutrons and electrons in an atom determines its characteristics including its nuclide verified answer used to describe an atomic species with a particular arrangement of protons and neutrons in the nucleus isotopes verified answer elements with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons are referred to as neutron to proton verified answer the ration in the nucleus determines the stability of the atom spontaneous decay verified answer at certain ratios atoms may be unstable and a process known as can occur as the atom attempts to regain stability ground state verified answer energy is released in various ways during spontaneous decay or return to radionuclides verified answer decay by the emission of alpha beta and gamma radiation half life verified answer used to describe the time it takes for a quantity of a particular radionuclide to decay to one half of its original activity particle accelerators verified answer radionuclides used in nuclear medicine are produced in reactors or radionuclide and pharmaceutical verified answer radiopharmaceutical agents have 2 components 6 04 hours verified answer NM has a relatively short physical half life of photopenia or cold spot verified answer when utilizing radiopharmaceuticals for blood clots in the lungs pulmonary embolus the resulting image will demonstrate a void or clear area of ten described as a or a becquerel or curie verified answer the measure of radioactivity is expressed as either the or as the low cost lowest possible radiation dose primary photon energy between 100 and 400 keV and stability or near stability verified answer List 4 characteristics of a Radiopharmaceutical cobalt and iodine verified answer List 2 radiopharmaceuticals used in NM protective gloves and lead syringe shield when handling verified answer List 2 radiation safety measures scintillation rectilinear scanner and gamma camera verified answer List 3 instrumentation used in NM data collected over a specific time frame verified answer list one reason why we use computer systems to acquire and process data from gamma cameras cardiac ejection fraction of the left venticle verified answer give an example of quantitative analysis static imaging whole body imaging dynamic imaging single photon emission computed tomography SPECT positron emission tomography and combined PET CT and SPECT CT verified answer list 6 imaging methods no special preparation other than remove artifacts verified answer what is the patient preparation hyperthyroidism verified answer give one example we do for therapeutic exam bone scan verified answer give one example we do for bone scintigraphy exam myocardial perfusion study verified answer give one example we do for nuclear cardiology exam thyroid scan verified answer give one example we do for endocrine system exam liver spleen scan verified answer give one example we do for gastrointestinal system exam dynamic renal scan verified answer give one example we do for genitourinary system exam xenon 133 lung ventilation scan or technetium 99m lung perfusion scan verified answer give one example we do for respiratory system exam 70 to 80 verified answer what of PET scans are to diagnose stage or restage cancer effective half life longer than the examination time suitable chemical forms for rapid localization and primary photon energy between 100 and 400 keV verified answer which of the following are desirable properties of NM radiopharmaceuticals collimator verified answer Which component of the gamma camera functions to separate gamma rays and keep scattered rays from entering the scintillation crystal true verified answer A typical gamma camera detector head contains 80 to 100 PMTs Yes verified answer PET scans are primarily used to diagnose stage or restage cancer 1931 and Ernest Lawrence verified answer what year and who invented the cyclotron early 1960s and Roy Edwards and David Kuhl verified answer when and who created the first three dimensional 3D images of organ function

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Nuclear Medicine

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