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Carter and Kravits Keys to Effective Learning Financial Literacy TOPIC Financial Literacy SUMMARY Money management and financial issues concern nearly every student taking a student success course Students living in an era of media and marketing overload need to be even more careful about distinguishing needs from wants maintaining control over credit and making decisions with an eye toward saving for the future Being financially literate in this way will help them navigate the highs and lows of an unstable economy and rapidly changing workplace NOTE In Keys to Effective Learning 7e the topic of money and finances is paired with the topic of time management Learning outcomes focused on money are selected from that chapter LEARNING OUTCOMES Students will be able to Understand who you are as a money manager Use a budget to evaluate and adjust monthly income Investigate how to increase income through work and financial aid Analyze the cost of credit and adjust credit use ACTIVITIES FOR FINANCIAL LITERACY The following chart provides a quick overview of the activities for Financial Literacy A complete description including directions materials needed timelines for completion and applicable worksheets follow this chart As you review this material and the activities within consider the following None of the activities are meant to be prescriptive Pick choose and adapt You know your students and what they need better than anyone else We have denoted the format in which the activities can be used Some are suited only for face to face but the majority can be adapted to hybrid and online environments We have included all worksheets needed to complete the activities for this topic Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc 1 Carter and Kravits Keys to Effective Learning Financial Literacy You may want to suggest means by which your students can save retrieve and send their activities This is usually determined by you and the LMS used at your institution The activities provided for this module are intended to give you suggestions that may assist you in providing students with activities journal writing thought provoking situations and group activities You probably have many activities in addition to the ones found here Use them to your best advantage You and your ideas bring the class to life Activity 1 Break the Ice with a Story 2 Talk about Needs and Wants 3 Plan Ahead for a Major Purchase 4 Discover Education Assistance 5 Credit Offer Comparison 6 How Important Is It Description This activity provides students with an opportunity to consider a personal story and respond to it individually as well as in discussion This discussion helps students clarify the difference between a need and a want and get perspective on choices This activity shows what is involved in making an expensive purchase using a car as the example Through this activity students learn more about financial aid possibilities This activity provides a real world look at credit offers This independent exercise helps students evaluate how their spending connects to their values Application Traditional Hybrid or Blended Online Traditional Hybrid or Blended Traditional Hybrid or Blended Online Traditional Hybrid or Blended Online Traditional Hybrid or Blended Traditional Hybrid or Blended Online Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc 2 Carter and Kravits Keys to Effective Learning Financial Literacy MyStudentSuccessLab ASSESSMENTS and ACTIVITIES MyStudentSuccessLab www mystudentsuccesslab com is an online solution designed to help students acquire and develop the skills they need to succeed Here students can access peer led video presentations and develop core skills through interactive exercises and projects Rich assessments based on Bloom s Taxonomy and tied to learning outcomes provide students with the opportunity to identify their strengths and weaknesses and to communicate them more effectively MyStudentSuccessLab helps students develop academic life and career skills that will transfer to ANY course or experience This grid describes the elements and activities available to you in the KEL 7e text specific version of the MyStudentSuccessLab KEL 7e combines the topics of time and money management into one chapter Because the KEL 7e text specific MyLab modules align with the KEL 7e chapter structure this grid displays both time and money activities Select what you find useful as you cover financial literacy KEL 7e MyStudentSuccessLab Time and Money MSSL Topic MSSL Activity Time and Money Video Time Management Description Related Learning Objective Time on Task Suggested Use A short humorous video illustrating ways to manage time and combat procrastination Manage procrastination and time traps 15 min Time and Money Practice 1 Use a Syllabus to Plan Your Time In this multimedia activity students use a syllabus as a time management tool to calendar a month s worth of due dates Identify effective time management strategies Homework or in class video with discussion questions In this multimedia activity students use a syllabus as a time management tool to calendar a month s worth of due Copyright 2017 Pearson Education Inc 3 Carter and Kravits Keys to Effective Learning Financial Literacy Time and Money Practice 2 Track and Prioritize Your Time Explain the importance of prioritizing activities In this multimedia activity students practice creating a to do list and prioritize the list of tasks using an A B C system Time and Money Practice 3 Financial Literacy Basics A short multimedia activity that addresses needs versus wants and other finance basics Identify necessary and unnecessary spending dates In this multimedia activity students practice creating a to do list and prioritize the list of tasks using an A B C system A short multimedia activity that addresses needs versus wants and other finance basics Graded homework Time and Money Take Action Make a To Do List Build a schedule 15 min and prioritize tasks The text s in chapter exercise provided in the MyLab Activity helps students build skill in making prioritizing and using to do lists Grading requires reading The text s chapter summary exercise converted to a short matching quiz Autograded Time and Money Summary Note the Important Points Time and Money Review Quiz All KEL Time and 10 min Money chapter objectives Graded homework Test items with feedback for correct and incorrect answers Multiple choice and All KEL Time and Money chapter objectives Self paced so time is Extra

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MDC SLS 1101 - Financial Literacy

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