Python Notes

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PYTHON Getting User Input and Concatenation 2 The input function 2 Concatenation 2 Displaying Results 2 Age Calculator Concept 3 The input function 3 Concatenation 3 Value Error 4 Type Error caused by invalid value 4 Displaying Results 6 Usage of print function 6 1 Python Getting User Input and Concatenation The input function Used to get user input Returns a string value Can be concatenated with other strings Concatenation Joining two or more strings together Use the operator for concatenation Ex syntax name input What is your name print Hello name Value Error Occurs when an operation or function receives a value of an inappropriate type Example Trying to convert a string to an integer using the int function and the string does not contain a number age int input What is your age Displaying Results Use the print function Accepts any number of arguments Separate arguments with commas 2 Age Calculator Concept Create a program that calculates a user s age Get user s birth year and current year Calculate the difference between the two Display the result using the print function Syntax Birth year int input What year were you born current year int input What is the current year age current year birth year print You are str age years old Getting User Input and Concatenation The input function Used to get user input Returns a string value Can be concatenated with other strings Concatenation Joining two or more strings together Use the operator for concatenation Example name input What is your name print Hello name 3 Value Error Type Error caused by invalid value In Python a Value Error is a type of exception that is raised when an operation or function receives an argument of an inappropriate type This is typically caused by passing an argument of a type that is not expected by the function or operation One common example of a Value Error is the Type Error which is raised when an operation or function receives a value of an inappropriate type For instance consider the following code Syntax name John age thirty print f name is age years old This code will produce the following output John is thirty years old Syntax name John age thirty age int age print f name is age 4 However this output is incorrect because the value of age is a string not an integer To fix this error we can use the int function to convert the string value of age to an integer This code will produce the following output years old John is 30 years old By using the int function we have converted the string value of age to an integer which allows the print function to correctly display the age of the person Other examples of Value Error include passing a string to a function that expects an integer or passing a list to a function that expects a dictionary In general to avoid Value Errors it is important to ensure that the arguments passed to functions and operations are of the correct type It is also important to note that Value Errors can be handled using exception handling techniques in Python This allows the program to continue running even if a Value Error occurs and provides a way to gracefully handle and recover from the error In summary Value Errors are raised when an operation or function receives an argument of an inappropriate type To avoid Value Errors it is important to ensure that the arguments passed to functions and operations are of the correct type Exception handling techniques can also be used to handle and recover from Value Errors It is also important to note that Value Errors can be handled using exception handling techniques in Python This allows the program to continue running even if a Value Error occurs and provides a way to gracefully handle and recover from the error 5 Displaying Results Usage of print function use it The print function is used to display results in Python Here s how to print Hello World displays the string Hello World print 5 3 displays the result of the arithmetic operation 5 3 print 5 3 displays the result of the comparison operation 5 3 You can also print 6

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