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ENGL 302 Advcance Research Writing Presenting Week 2 Researching Controversial Topic Discussion For your discussion board this week we are going to practice a debate with a fun topic The topic is pizza does pineapple belong on pizza or no Many people are divided when it comes to putting this fruit on pizza as a topping Let s have fun with this topic and practice respectful debating skills After reviewing the lecture material for the week it is time to utilize these skills to respectfully debate this topic Start off your initial post by clearly stating your side of the argument Recognize why you chose the side you did and how your opinion affects that Next discuss your opinion on this topic and consider how you can move your opinion into argument using some of the skills you ve learned throughout our lectures on persuasion Do you think you could be successful in your persuasion by using these skills Why or why not Post your initial response and respond to at least three of your classmates over three days as well In your replies to your peers be sure to address their own points in relation to yours in a respectful manner Remember this debate is a chance for you to practice skills you will need to persuade someone on a more serious topic be respectful while sharing your thoughts

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BSC ENGL 302 - Researching Controversial Topic Discussion

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