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ENGL302 Advanced Research Writing and Presenting Week 3 Primary and Secondary Sources Assessment Directions and Rubric Directions For this assessment you will be writing a mini essay looking at two resources The first resource is an interview with Leonard Nimoy recorded live on CNN The second resource is a news article talking about Nimoy s interview after his passing Both resources can be found in our Week 3 module To get started review both resources carefully You may want to take notes on things you noticed or what you took away from the source Determine which source is the primary one and which source is considered secondary Once you have reviewed both sources you are ready to start your essay Your paper should consist of three paragraphs 1 Paragraph one should cover the primary resource Identify which one is the primary resource and explain why Infer and describe the main idea and purpose of this resource 2 Paragraph two should cover the secondary resource Identify which one is the secondary resource and explain why Infer and describe the main idea and purpose of this resource 3 In your third and final paragraph consider some of the differences between the two sources Compare the two sources and determine what may have been missing in one over the other While looking at the differences analyze which source type you think would be more useful for a research project such as your Portfolio Project Recommend which source you would choose for a project Justify your recommendation with examples ENGL302 Primary and Secondary Sources 3 ENGL302 Primary and Secondary Resources Assessment Grading Rubric Criteria Primary Resource 30 points Excellent 30 24 points Average 23 18 points The primary resource is identified in the first paragraph Thoughtful analysis of source type is demonstrated through the use of specific details A clear summary of The primary resource is identified in the first paragraph Analysis of source type may be too brief A summary of the source is given although some important the source is given 30 24 points details may be omitted 23 18 points Needs Improvement 17 0 points The primary resource may not be correctly identified in the first paragraph The analysis of source type may be incorrect or missing entirely A summary of the source is not provided 17 0 points Secondary Resource 30 points The secondary resource in the second paragraph is correctly identified Thoughtful analysis of source type is demonstrated through the use of specific details A clear summary of the source is The secondary resource in the second paragraph is correctly identified Analysis of source type may be too brief A summary of the source is given although some important details may be omitted The secondary resource in the second paragraph may not be correctly identified The analysis of source type may be incorrect or missing entirely A summary of the source is not provided Points Explanation 30 points Mechanics 10 points Comprehension and explanation of primary and secondary resources is demonstrated through comparison of two sources Reasoning is justified with given 30 24 points evidence 10 8 points The short essay is well written according to Standard Academic English conventions Writing is mostly free of errors in areas such as spelling punctuation sentence structure and tense The writing is easily understood by the reader 23 18 points Comprehension and explanation of primary and secondary resources is demonstrated through comparison of two sources although paragraph may be too brief overall Some examples to justify reasoning may be used 17 0 points Comprehension and explanation of primary and secondary sources may not be demonstrated Third paragraph may not be included at all 7 6 points 5 0 points Short essay is mostly written according to Standard Academic English conventions There are some errors present in areas such as spelling punctuation sentence structure and tense about 1 per paragraph The errors do not significantly detract from the reader s understanding of the written work Short essay attempts to meet Standard Academic English conventions but has several errors that may detract from the reader s understanding of the written work There are many errors in areas such as spelling punctuation sentence structure and tense more than 3 4 per paragraph

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BSC ENGL 302 - Week 3 Primary and Secondary Sources Assessment Directions and Rubric

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