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ENGL 302 Advanced Research Writing and Presenting Week 4 Informal vs Formal Communication Mid Term Exam Question 1 A source that makes outrageous claims or includes dramatic storytelling as evidence is likely credible and trustworthy True False Question 2 Which is the best example of a primary source An entertainment article recapping a singer s concert from two months ago An article about the history of bubonic plague A newspaper article about election results published the day results are final A social media post about a memory from two years ago Question 3 Select all examples of non verbal communication Writing Gestures Speaking Listening Smiling Attire Reading Proximity Credibliity Conciseness Complete Currency Question 4 Which is an example of informal communication Giving a presentation in the workplace Chatting about a new movie over dinner Asking a teacher for an extension on their homework Testifying in court Question 5 Morals and ethics are the same thing True False Question 6 What does the C in C R A A P stand for Question 7 An opinion can be fact checked or verified True ENGL 302 Advanced Research Writing and Presenting Week 4 Informal vs Formal Communication False Question 8 The Virtual Library allows you to search a variety of different academic and research databases for resources True False Question 9 Which is more likely to be impulsive or instinctive A researched argument A personal opinion A verified fact Question 10 Formal communication typically happens spontaneously True False Question 11 What is persuasion An argument The act of trying to convince someone of something A way of living The act of communication in the workplace Question 12 Submitting previous work you did for another course or assignment is considered plagiarism True False Question 13 Which is the best example of a controversial topic Debating which political candidate should win an election Discussing favorite foods Arguing about which animal is cuter Talking about the value of a new movie Question 14 What are possible signs of fake news Bias shown by the author Lack of supporting documents or supplemental resources No details about the author are given All of the above Question 15 Meeting someone new and making eye contact while shaking their hand is an example of Verbal Oral Spoken communication ENGL 302 Advanced Research Writing and Presenting Week 4 Informal vs Formal Communication Non verbal communication Verbal Written communication None of the above Question 16 Write a sample search string for the topics horseback riding and children using Boolean operators i e AND OR NOT Question 17 Create an in text APA citation for the fictional resource the book called The World of Books written by Harold Flowers published Library Inc in 2017 You are using information from page 11 Question 18 Create an APA reference for this fictional source a book called The World of Books written by Harold Flowers published in New York NY by Library Inc in 2017 Question 19 Using the library article located at this link Minor Immediate Effects of a Dog on Children s Reading Performance and Physiology Minor Immediate Effects of a Dog on Children s Reading Performance and Physiology use the abstract to create a short one 1 paragraph persuasive argument on this idea Use the facts presented from the abstract and properly cite the source with in text citations and a full reference Question 20 Using C R A A P evaluate this source from the Virtual Library A Tale of Four Platforms Motivations and Uses of Facebook Twitter Instagram and Snapchat Among College Students A Tale of Four Platforms Motivations and Uses of Facebook Twitter Instagram and Snapchat Among College Students Imagine you are writing an essay on social media use ENGL 302 Advanced Research Writing and Presenting Week 4 Informal vs Formal Communication in college students In at least one 1 sentence for each step discuss how this resource rates for currency relevance authority accuracy and purpose Then write a short sentence stating if you believe this source is credible and or scholarly

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