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Handout 3 Japanese and Luganda Two languages with very little in common Japanese t tS and ts t is a voiceless alveolar plosive stop tS is a voiceless alveopalatal affricate stop ts is a voiceless alveolar affricate stop What is the distribution of these three stops in Japanese To determine this we rst identify every instance of the three stops in the following data Japanese stops Data Fromkin and Rodman 1988 118 friend very desk later wrap building map mat letter father under summer person house tomodatSi totemo tsukue ato tsutsumu tatemono tSizu tatami tegami tSitSi Sita natsu kata utSi Contexts of t Word tatami tatemono tatami kata tegami Sita tomodatSi totemo ato tatemono Before t edge of word a i a a After t a a e a o o e Contexts of tS Word tSitSi tSizu tSitSi utSi tomodatSi Before tS i u a After tS i i i i Contexts of ts Word natsu tsukue tsutsumu tsutsumu Before ts a u After ts u u u Japanese stops Statement of distribution tS occurs only before i ts occurs only before u t occurs only elsewhere Japanese stops Analysis This is a complementary distribution Therefore the sound that occurs in the elsewhere distribution t is the default form of the phoneme t The other two sounds tS and ts must result from phonological rules These rules must turn t into tS and ts in the environments where they occur Japanese stops Analysis Rule 1 Palatalization Change an alveolar stop into an alveopalatal affricate when it occurs before a high front vowel Rule 2 Affrication Change an alveolar stop into an affricate when it occurs before a high back vowel Derivations Underlying representation Rule 1 Rule 2 tatami titi tSitSi Surface representation tatami tSitSi natu natsu natsu Luganda Halle and Clements 1983 51 Consider the following data from Luganda a language of Uganda l is an alveolar lateral approximant R is an alveolar tap Determine the distribution of l and R in the following sample of Luganda Luganda Data tail mukiRa kutu la to sit kulima to farm okutaba la to attach lumo nde sweet potato eRi a name efiRimbi whistle o lwe jo broom ku dZ ukiRa to remember kuwola to lend kwa niRiza to welcome kuwo la to scoop out be Ra help lagiRa command Contexts of l Word Before l After l Contexts of R Word Before R After R Luganda Statement of distribution Phoneme Phonological rule Luganda Derivations Underlying representation Rule Surface representation mukiRa kutu la eRi a Luganda The following loanwords have been altered from their form in their source language to t the distribution of l and R in Luganda ebendeRa le Rwe lu la s af a li ag English banner railway eIlweI ruler ul safari Swahili safari References Fromkin Victoria and Robert Rodman 1988 An Introduction to Language 4th ed Holt Rinehart and Winston New York Halle Morris and G N Clements 1983 Problem Book in Phonology MIT Press Cambridge

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