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Q No Questions Define Empennage The empennage is the tail of the airplane and consists of a horizontal stabilizer a vertical stabilizer elevators and rudders List the Propulsion Systems used in Wright Brothers flight To overcome the drag a propulsion system is used generate thrust The Wright brothers used twin pusher propellers located behind the wings and powered by a small motor for their propulsion system State the Application of the Gyroscope The primary application of gyroscopic effects consists in the measurement of the angular position of a moving vehicle What is Cruciform Tail and who invented Cruciform Tail Cruciform tails are a unique tail design that sees the horizontal stabilizer cut through roughly the middle of the tail The invention of the cruciform tail is attributed to British engineer and inventor Sir George Cayley 1773 1857 What are the instruments are coupled with Pitot Static Tube The airspeed indicator the altimeter and the vertical speed indicator Altimeter measures altitude Vertical speed indicator measures the speed at which an aircraft is ascending or descending in feet per minute Air speed indicator measures the aircraft s speed through the air Differentiate Monoplane and Biplane A biplane has two sets of wings stacked on top of each other A monoplane is a more modern design and features just one set of wings Illustrate Ornithopter An ornithopter from Greek ornis ornith bird and pteron wing is an aircraft that flies by flapping its wings Define the Control Surface A movable surface such as a rudder elevator aileron etc that controls an aircraft or rocket What will be the position of the aircraft if incase rudder moves left side Deflection of a rudder pedal causes a corresponding rudder deflection in the same direction that is pushing the left rudder pedal will result in a rudder deflection to the left This in turn causes the rotation about the vertical axis moving the aircraft nose to the left 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 State Geostatic Altitude Geostatic altitude also known as geopotential altitude or geopotential height is a measure of the vertical distance above the Earth s surface based on the variation of gravitational potential energy with altitude PART C ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS Questions Q No 1 i Explain the following i Chanute s biplane gliders ii Langley aerodrome iii Otto Lilienthal gliders 3 10 30 Marks i Chanute s Biplane Gliders Octave Chanute was an American engineer and aviation pioneer who made significant contributions to the development of aviation Chanute s biplane gliders were designed based on the concept of stability and control These gliders featured two sets of wings stacked one above the other connected by struts He conducted extensive experiments with gliders improving upon previous designs and testing various configurations to achieve better stability and control Chanute s biplane gliders served as important predecessors to powered flight inspiring future aviators such as His work was documented in his influential book Progress in Flying Machines which provided valuable the Wright Brothers insights and guidance to early aviators ii Langley Aerodrome The Langley Aerodrome also known as the Great Aerodrome was an early attempt at powered flight by Samuel Pierpont Langley an American astronomer physicist and aeronautics pioneer Langley s aerodrome was a tandem winged aircraft powered by a steam engine It was launched from a houseboat on the Potomac River in 1903 Unfortunately Langley s attempts at powered flight were unsuccessful as both of his aerodrome models Despite his failures Langley s work provided valuable insights for future aviation pioneers including the crashed shortly after launch Wright Brothers iii Otto Lilienthal Gliders Otto Lilienthal was a German pioneer of aviation who made significant contributions to the understanding of aerodynamics and glider design Lilienthal designed and flew a series of gliders which he called hang gliders or bird machines These gliders had a wing structure covered in fabric with a framework made of lightweight materials such as wood and bamboo Lilienthal s gliders were crucial in demonstrating the principles of aerodynamics and providing valuable data on lift and control Tragically Lilienthal died in a glider crash in 1896 but his work inspired future aviators including the Wright Brothers These explanations provide insights into the contributions of each individual to the field of aviation showcasing their experiments and innovations during the early days of flight 2 Describe in detail about Wright Brother s flight The Wright Brothers first successful powered flight on December 17 1903 at Kitty Hawk North Carolina marked a pivotal moment in human history as it was the first time a powered controlled and sustained flight was achieved by a heavier than air aircraft Here s a detailed description of the Wright Brothers flight 1 Background and Preparation Orville and Wilbur Wright two brothers from Dayton Ohio had been fascinated with the idea of flight since childhood They conducted extensive research on the principles of flight and aerodynamics The brothers chose Kitty Hawk a remote location with consistent winds for their experiments due to its suitability for flight testing Over several years the Wright Brothers designed and built a series of gliders to test their theories and refine their understanding of flight dynamics 2 Design of the Wright Flyer The Wright Flyer the aircraft used for their historic flight was a biplane with two sets of wings and a wooden frame covered in fabric It was powered by a 12 horsepower engine designed and built by the Wright Brothers themselves The engine drove two wooden propellers via chains and sprockets The Flyer had a wingspan of 12 3 meters 40 feet and weighed around 340 kilograms 750 pounds On the morning of December 17 1903 the Wright Brothers assembled the Flyer on the sandy dunes of Orville Wright piloted the first attempt lying prone on the lower wing of the aircraft Wilbur Wright At 10 35 a m Orville released the restraining wire and the Flyer began its takeoff run along a wooden 3 Flight Attempt Kitty Hawk assisted in launching the Flyer track After a ground roll of about 12 meters 40 feet the Flyer lifted off into the air becoming the first powered aircraft to achieve sustained controlled flight 4 The First Flight Orville piloted the Flyer for approximately 12 seconds covering a distance of 36 5 meters 120 feet at an altitude of about 3 meters 10

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