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LIPIDS MEMBRANES ENZYME REGULATION ENZYME INHIBITION RIBONUCLEASE A CHYMOTRYPSIN RETURNING TO TRAPPIST 1D A herpetologist on your team is fascinated with a species of nocturnal lizard analogs Studying their metabolism she picks up on two reactions occurring in their blood Reaction 1 fructose 1 6 bisphosphate fructose 6 phosphate Pi Reaction 2 fructose 6 phosphate GTP fructose 1 6 bisphosphate GDP METABOLISM Several enzymes are shared by both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis How do these enzymes know which way to catalyze a reaction Regulation of irreversible enzymes determine ow around reversible enzymes 1 pt then concentration of reactants versus products tell the reversible enzymes which way to ow 3 pts omega notation common systematic lipid class Why are triacylglycerols di cult to transport through the body How is this problem xed Brief answer two to three sentences TAGs are largely hydrophobic making them di cult to move through the body s aqueous transport systems Lipoproteins x this problem allowing for transport will accept answers that accurately describe lipoproteins 1 5 pts TAGs are hydrophobic 0 5 pts body is hydrophilic may reduce to 0 later 1 pt lipoproteins allow for transport 0 5 of 1 pt vesicles micelles or protein helps transport What s the major difference in the functional roles of eicosanoids and sterols Brief answer one sentence max Eicosanoids are local hormones and sterols are global hormones CHITI CELLULOSE Beta linkages in chitin and cellulose allow for inter and intra chain hydrogen bonding NUMBERING CARBONS Anomeric carbon is the carbon adjacent to the O in the ring that also has an OH group attached to it In a glucose molecule start with the anomeric carbon then go around the ring away from the O in order up to 6 In general if it has an additional carbon chain on the anomeric carbon start at the beginning of that carbon chain and count from there If there is no chain then start counting at the anomeric carbon again going away from the O in the ring MIXED INHIBITION Uncompetitive inhibitors exclusively bind to the enzyme substrate complex and competitive inhibitors exclusively bind to the free enzyme at the active site whereas all other inhibitors are allosteric On the other hand all mixed inhibitors bind to both the free enzyme and enzyme substrate complex though different inhibitors may lean towards one or another KINETICS Why initial velocity X axis time Y axis product concentration When at initial conditions if we have a lot of products we will get backward reactions We need initial slope and take a value of that slope and s x val and the value of the slope is the y value in the MM plot Lineweaver Burke Modi ed MM plot and made everything inverse 1 km x int 1 vmax y int Measures of e ciency kcat and catalytic e ciency Vmax k2Etotal

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