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anything I am putting in blue font is things on the slides that are circled or highlighted in some way Syndromes are gonna be highlighted in purple like this Lesions destroying and their consequences in red The Retino Geniculo Calcarine Pathway Retinal Ganglion cells optic nerve II optic chiasm optic tract Lateral Geniculate Nucleus LGN Striate Cortex V1 Area 17 Tectofugal Visual Pathway Superior Colliculus Pulvinar Nucleus of Thalamus V2 V3 Extrastriate Cortex VISION visual pathway The Retino Geniculo Calcarine Pathway Retinal Ganglion cells through Optic nerve II Optic Chiasm Optic Tract LGN Striate Cortex V1 Area 17 visual pathway Tectofugal Visual Pathway Nucleus of Thalamus V2 V3 Extrastriate Cortex Retinal Ganglion cells through Optic nerve II Optic Chiasm Optic Tract Superior Colliculus Pulvinar HORIZONTAL SECTION Lateral Geniculate Nucleus LGN ventral dorsal Striate Cortex V1 Area 17 HORIZONTAL SECTION Cochlea Dorsal cochlear nucleus ventral cochlear nucleus through trapezoid body Superior olivary nucleus through lateral lemniscus Inferior colliculus Medial Geniculate Nucleus MGN Auditory Cortex A1 Area 41 HEARING AFFERENT AUDITORY PATHWAYS AUDITORY SYSTEM SOMATOSENSORY SYSTEM THE DORSAL COLUMN SYSTEM AND EPICRITIC MODALITIES Dorsal Column System Through Dorsal Root Ganglion DRG through fasciculus gracilis cuneatus nucleus cuneatus gracilis decussate in lower medulla VPL of thalamus Postcentral gyrus Spinothalamic System Through Dorsal Root Ganglion DRG Substantia gelatinosa decussate in spinal cord VPL of thalamus Postcentral gyrus Spinoreticular System Through Dorsal Root Ganglion DRG Substantia gelatinosa decussate in spinal cord Reticular formation or Periaqueductal gray CORTICOSPINAL TRACT Precentral gyrus motor cortex Upper motor neurons send axons down Axons passing through mesencephalon form cerebral peduncles Cross mylencephalon form pyramids decussate goes to contralateral side here Spinal cord whenever we look at the spinal cord dorsal on top and ventral on bottom Lower motor neurons reside in the ventral horn of the spinal cord where the synapse happens for corticospinal tract muscles to tell us how to move Send axons that will go out and become ventral root and then synapse on Lesions to upper motor neurons result in spastic paralysis of contralateral side Lesions to lower motor neurons result in flaccid paralysis of ipsilateral side floppy no muscle tone OLFACTORY PATHWAY optic tract HIPPOCAMPUS AND MEMORY Fornix Amygdaloid complex hippocampus entorhinal cortex Hippocampus ventral vs hippocampus dorsal Septal nuclei mammillary bodies Mammillary bodies kind of look like toes when presented like this Korsakoff s Syndrome LIMBIC SYSTEM Cell bodies Amygdala Hippocampus Entorhinal Cortex Septal nuclei Mammillary bodies Anterior nucleus of the Thalamus Cingulate gyrus projects to entorrhinal revieved projections from amydala Angiogram Axonal tracts Stria termininalis Fornix Mammillothalamic tract VENTRICLES Cerebrospinal Fluid CSF Choroid plexus makes the CSF Lateral ventricles Third ventricle skinny disk CSF flows out of third ventricle through cerebral aqueduct to fourth ventricle Foramina of Monro Fourth ventricle diamond shape chamber looks like a triangle when situated between cerebellum and brainstem Midline of caudal end there is a hole foramen of Magendie CSF will squirt out medially out of here will squirt out laterally from the foramen of Luschka Next CSF will go outside of brain Medial foramen of Magendie squirts to Cisterna Magna chamber caudal to cerebellum big cistern CSF can travel up to the superior cistern by superior and inferior colliculi and superior to the cerebellum Foramen of Luschka squirts to Pontine cistern by the pons Interpeduncular system look at cerebral peduncles there is a crevice between the bundles of axons that make up the cerebral peduncles MIDSAGITTAL caudal to rostral Mylencephalon 4th ventricle Choroid plexus Metencephalon 4th ventricle Arbor vitae of cerebellum bumps on cerebellum folia STUDY GUIDE MADE WITH PRACTICE EXAM station 1 Foramen of Luschka CSF will squirt out laterally LUSCHKA LATERAL Pontine cistern Foramen of Luschka squirts to Pontine cistern by the pons Foramen of Magendie cerebrospinal fluid flows out of this cavity medially MAGENDIE MEDIAL 4th ventricle triangular situated between cerebellum and brainstem Cerebellum 4th ventricle brainstem

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