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NURS 324 E2 Thermoregulation By how much does a woman s temp change during ovulation ANS 0 5 1 0 C Rectal core thermometers are used on all babies months old and younger ANS 3 What are endogenous pyrogens ANS Substances produced by the body that change temp in the hypothalamus What are exogenous pyrogens ANS Substances that induce fever that come from outside the body ex bacteria and endo exotoxins What are s s of hyperthermia 7 ANS Skin flush and warm hot to touch diaphoresis depending on hydration dry skin mucous membranes urine output electrolyte imbalances AMS seizures What body temp is considered a fever ANS 38 0 C What can result from CO secondary to hyperthermia ANS AMS CNS degredation Cerebral edema renal necrosis What factors affect your body temp 6 ANS circadian rhythm age gender overall health physical activity environment What i are some txs for hyperthermia ANS Apply ice packs or cool towels to forehead groin and or armpits remove excess blankets and clothings cooling blankets antipyretics APAP NSAIDs What is a recurring relapsing fever ANS Fever that returns after 24 hrs of coming back to a normal body temperature What is a remittent fever ANS Fever that fluctuates a few degrees but temp always remains above normal What is a sustained fever ANS Fever that has minimal variation What is an intermittent fever ANS While having a fever your body temp returns to normal at least once q24hr What is heatstroke ANS Rapid onset of hyperpyrexia 41 C in a little as 10 15 minutes due to a failure of the body s temp control mechanisms What is malignant hyperthermia What are some s s ANS 1 Hyperthermia that results from a reaction to surgical anestetics 2 fever muscle rigidity tachycardia What is neuroleptic malignant syndrome NMS ANS A life threatening reaction to certain antipsychotics dopamine antagonists like haldol w s s including AMS muscle rigidity fever What is the dose for ibuprofen for a child ANS 10 mg kg What is the dose for tylenol for a child ANS 15 mg kg What physiologic changes can occur as a result of hyperthermia ANS dehydration Na loss Hypotension d t body wide vasodilation tachycardia CO coagulation Where is the control center for body temp in the body ANS hypothalamus Which population have increased risk of body temp misregulation ANS Infants Elderly Low socioeconomic homeless Black males People in Southeast part of US Which type of thermometer is the most accurate for assess body temp ANS Rectal core thermometers Which types of drugs are associated w drug induced fevers ANS chemo treatments mostly Why are infants at an risk for abnormal thermoregulation 5 ANS No heat conserving mechanisms ex shivering metabolism O2 consumption Limited insulation propensity for heat loss especially from their giant heads Why are older adults at risk for abnormal thermoregulation 6 ANS circulation or absent sweating heat production metabolism physical activity shivering response

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Chamberlain NURS 324 - E2 - Thermoregulation

Course: Nurs 324-
Pages: 3
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