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NURS 324 E2 Grief Loss Do the stages of grief have a set sequence ANS No They can occur in any order and even repeat Do the stages of grief have a specific amount of time that they normally last ANS No Do the stages of grief only apply to death dying ANS No Grieving can also occur for the loss or loss of function of a body part losing the ability to take care of oneself divorce or any other life changing event that has a significant negative impact What are the 3 critical components to adequately proccessing grief ANS 1 Adequate perception the loss is traffic but life goes on 2 Adequate support usually from family community 3 Adequate coping behaviors isolation stoicism vs reaching out What are the stages of grief according to the Kubler Ross Theory ANS 1 Denial Isolation 2 Anger 3 Bargaining 4 Depression 5 Acceptance Where are ID tags placed on a dead body What info is on the tags ANS Usually on the thumbs and one on the big toe Name DOB

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Chamberlain NURS 324 - E2 - Grief & Loss

Course: Nurs 324-
Pages: 1
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