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Nurs 324 cellular adaptation Atrophy ANS when cells are not being used and have decreased demands the cell will go back to a smaller size and function at a level which is compatible for survival There is a decreased oxygen consumption denervation ANS occurs when a limb is paralyzed a form of atrophy DVT deep vein thrombosis ANS coagulation circulation issues usually starts at most distal point clots often found in legs dysplasia ANS deranged crazy cell growth often most concerning for cancer hyperplasia ANS increase in the number of cells in an organ or tissue occurs in tissues which have mitotic division such as the epidermis intestinal epithelium and glandular tissue hypertrophy ANS increase in cell size and a resulting increase in the amount of functioning tissue Comes from an increased workload that is placed usually on cardiac and skeletal muscle infarction ANS tissue death when oxygen has been deprived for too long ischemia ANS decreased oxygen to tissues metaplasia ANS change where one type of cell is replaced with another can be a response to chronic inflammation and irritation pathologic hypertrophy ANS hypertensive its who have not been taking care of themselves heart has been working harder heart becomes stiff harder to pump

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Chamberlain NURS 324 - Cellular Adaptation

Course: Nurs 324-
Pages: 1
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