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ANS 110 INTRODUCTION TO EQUINE SCIENCE Summer 2024 INSTRUCTOR Dr Shannon Phillips sepratt2 ncsu edu Email is the best way to reach me as I won t be in my office over the summer I try to respond to emails within 24 hr of receipt during the week 48 hrs over the weekend General course questions can also be posted on Moodle in the Discussion for Course Questions That way if there is a question that other students might have everyone can see it and the answer and I m not responding to the same question 20 times Please don t post questions about specific quiz or test questions though otherwise you re giving away a question answer for someone else COURSE DESCRIPTION Introduction to Equine Science is a course designed for freshmen and sophomores of any major There are no pre requisites for this course We will discuss terminology impact of horses on history and society breeds management genetics reproduction health nutrition behavior riding and business aspects of the horse industry COURSE GOALS Increase awareness of horses around you Increase enjoyment of your own horses COURSE MATERIALS All course materials will be posted on Moodle http moodle wolfware ncsu edu be sure to read the MOODLE Tips at the end of the syllabus The textbook strongly supports the materials and is HIGHLY recommended particularly if you have little horse experience TEXTBOOK I wrote a text for this course Introduction to Equine Science https he kendallhunt com product introduction equine science All course materials are found in these notes in the book or in the lectures and videos It is highly recommended to get the book or e book and take notes as you watch the lectures LIBRARY By taking this course on line you have complete access to the NCSU library The URL that explains all the library resources available to you is http www lib ncsu edu distance If you need help logging into the library please contact the course instructor GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM This is a General Education Program GEP course in the category Natural Sciences From this site http www ncsu edu uap academic standards gep courselists naturalscience requirement html Objectives for courses in the category of Natural Sciences Each course in the natural sciences will provide instruction and guidance that help the student to 1 Use the methods and processes of science in testing hypotheses solving problems and making decisions and 2 Articulate make inferences from and articulate scientific concepts principles laws and theories and apply this knowledge to problem solving LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this course the student will be expected to be able to 1 Describe the historical and current relationship between humans and the horse including specific examples of how horses have influenced human technology and society 2 Explain the importance of the equine industry on an international national and 3 Outline how science and technology are applied to the production and management of horses through the study of discipline areas such as equine genetics nutrition reproduction behavior and health GEP 4 Describe the proper care of horses for the purpose of maintaining animal comfort state level and usefulness 5 Define and explain terms used in the equine industry including parts of the horse and tack horse colors markings face leg body conformation health nutrition genetics reproduction and behavior COURSE FORMAT This class is primarily lecture format with the lectures recorded viewed through Quick Time and loaded onto Moodle for you to view at your leisure within each week The actual notes make up the textbook I do not provide copies of the power point notes Some of the lectures were recorded for the entire textbook chapter while others have been recorded by section You can pause fast forward and rewind as needed The class is also supplemented with videos sometimes these are slow to load be patient and web links We will also have online discussions about a horse related current event or a classmate s experience The material will be presented based on chapters in the book and a recommended schedule is below This is a short 5 week course with lots of material plan approximately 5 10 hr per week for formal class time and 5 10 hours for studying and reading This timeframe is similar to a classical on site type of course Please note Most students who succeed in this class are online reviewing the material several hours per day In fact I did a study looking at how much time was spent on material and found that the more active a student was in the class time online files viewed sessions the better the student did http www nactateachers org attachments article 500 Pratt March 202011 20NACTA 20JOURNAL 4 pdf GRADING SCHEME Instructors do not give grades students earn their grades Percentage of Final Grade Midterm Exam 1 Midterm Exam 2 Final Exam 3 Discussion Forums Participation Quizzes TOTAL EXAMS 15 15 30 15 5 20 100 There will be two midterm exams Exams 1 2 during the semester and the final exam Final Exam cumulative The exams will be done online on Moodle with a proctor see below The exams will be predominately multiple choice one word answers and a few short answer questions You will have a window to take the midterm exams and 2 days for the final as per DELTA NCSU always plan on taking the exam early in the window in case of technical issues illness travel problems etc see below Once you open and start your exam you will have a limited amount of time to complete it NOTE Moodle will not warn you or cut you out after your time has expired WATCH YOUR TIME This is true for quizzes too Proctoring information All exams will require an IN PERSON proctor to sign into your Moodle exams Commercial online proctoring services such as Examity or ProctorU are NOT allowed Be sure to sign up for time spots early There are lots of different location options for taking your exams but they must be coordinated via Delta https testing services delta ncsu edu Missed Exams If a student misses an exam and does not have an excused absence a grade of zero will be recorded An excused absence for an exam must be documented in writing and must be approved by me An example of an excused absence would be a visit to the infirmary or doctor s office please fax me a note attendance at a funeral for a family member you can confirm this through student services official university event or a mandated court appearance In an emergency situation where you are unable to notify me you must contact

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NCSU ANS 110 - Syllabus

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