Summer Vacation Work

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FATEH ACADEMY SENIOR SECONDARY SCHOOL FATEHNAGER Summer Vacation Work 2024 25 Class 5th Sub EVS Q A Write the names of the capital of these state 1 Rajasthan 2 Gujarat 3 Panjab 4 Maharashtra 5 Bihar Q B Answer the following questions 1 What is the difference between a joint family and a nuclear family 2 What problems do people face in getting settled at other places Q C Three page writing Art of writing book Page no 11 Seven continents page no 12 Amazing Asia page no 13 Five Oceans Sub Hindi 1 2 3 4 5 Sub English Q 1 Paste picture of following body parts are given below page no 123 1 Nostrils Q 2 Make sentences using the words given below 2 Lungs 3 Thigh 4 Heart 5 Legs 1 Truth 2 Early 3 Dustbin 4 Victory 5 Save Q 3 Fill in the blanks using appropriate words from the box lamp bin web place work made room 1 I threw the bits of paper in the dust 2 We ll all make our class clean 3 The cob is on the wall 4 We all do our home ourselves 5 We use hand paper arms and masks on Dussehra Subject Maths 1 Fill in the blanks i The smallest 4 digit number is ii The place value of 5 in the number 5643 iii seventy two thousand six hundred eight iv The largest 4 digit number is 2 Write and learn tables from 2 to 20 3 With the help of matchstick make any 10 shapes on A4 size paper 4 Write and learn number names from 1 to 50 5 Write the Roman numbers form 1 to 20 6 Multiply and divide I 543 x 23 ii 245 x 65 iii 6480 9 iv 3472 15 Subject computer Q 1 What is a computer Q 2 What is a CPU Q 3 What is a bit Q 4 What are the main parts a computer is made up of Q 5 Differentiate between software and hardware Q 1 Paste pictures and Write any ten freedom fighter names Q 2 Write any top five business men of India Sub G K

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