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This study source was downloaded by 100000883031050 from CourseHero com on 04 21 2024 12 28 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 70217835 PSY FP7210 WaltonBeverly Assessment 1 1docx Running head EARLY DEVELOPMENT CASE INTERVENTION 1 Early Development Case Intervention Analysis Case Study of SophiaBeverly WaltonCapella UniversityLifespan DevelopmentEarly Development Case Intervention AnalysisAugust 2020 This study source was downloaded by 100000883031050 from CourseHero com on 04 21 2024 12 28 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 70217835 PSY FP7210 WaltonBeverly Assessment 1 1docx EARLY DEVELOPMENT CASE INTERVENTION 2Early Development Case Intervention Analysis Case Study of Sophia The case study describes Sophia a 24 month old multi racial female She has had no contact with her biological father and currently resides with her Mother and Grandmother who have a quarrelsome relationship Sophia is displaying delayed speech does not engage in independent play and has emotional difficulty when her mom leaves for work Sophia s pediatrician states that she is in good health but also shows concern for the delayed speech Sophia has moved frequently in her short life due to housing issues She is currently sharing a bedroom with her mom whereas they co sleep and the child struggles with sleep difficulties Her mom experienced both pre and post natal stress and is often depressed and stressed due to the emotional distress of her daughter as well as the conflict with her mom The family struggles financially and food is often limited The family also has no extended kin in the area for support The attachment theory concept of John Bowlby is defined as a bond or tie that a child develop with their parent or caregiver Developing this bond allows the infant to have a healthy emotional and social development into adulthood Bowlby states caregivers must be responsive to the child s needs The attachment theory consists of four attachment theories secure anxious resistant avoidant and disorganized disorientated The first is secure attachment in which the parent or caregiver acts as a base of security for the child and they will often return if they feel scared or threatened and will cry if separated from caregiver A child with a healthy secure attachment will often play alone and is often upset when the caregiver leaves but expresses joy when they return The second theory is anxious resistant in which children experience distress when a caregiver returns but also seek comfort The third theory is avoidant in which the child does not display stress when a caregiver leaves and avoid them when they return Challenges and Issues Bowlby developed the attachment theory suggests that a baby needs to connect to their caregiver upon birth so as to furnish the youngster with love and care This introductory relationship is typically the mother and he represented the impacts detachment from ones mother can have a lasting effect on the child The attachment theory is one of the 4 behavioral systems necessary for the survival of human beings Most attachment theories develop within the first 2 years of a child s life A child displays This study source was downloaded by 100000883031050 from CourseHero com on 04 21 2024 12 28 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 70217835 PSY FP7210 WaltonBeverly Assessment 1 1docx EARLY DEVELOPMENT CASE INTERVENTION 3Level Two Section Heading is Flush Left Bold Uppercase and Lowercase The heading style recommended by APA consists of five levels American PsychologicalAssociation 2010a p 62 This document contains two levels to demonstrate how headings are structured according to APA style Immediately before the previous paragraph a Level 1 headingwas used That section heading describes how a Level 1 heading should be written which is centered bold and using uppercase and lowercase letters For another example see the section heading Writing an Effective Introduction on page 3 of this document The heading is centered bold and uses uppercase and lowercase letters compared to all uppercase in the running head at the top of each page If used properly section headings can significantly contribute to the quality of a paper by helping the reader who wants to understand the information in the document and the author who desires to effectively describe the information in the document Section Headings Help the Reader Section headings serve multiple purposes including a helping readers understand what is being addressed in each section b breaking up text to help readers maintain an interest in the paper and c helping readers choose what they want to read For example if the reader of this document wants to learn more about writing an effective introduction the previous section heading clearly states that is where information can be found When subtopics are needed to explain concepts in greater detail different levels of headings are used according to APA style Section Headings Help the Author Section headings do not only help the reader but they also help the author organize the document during the writing process Section headings can be used to arrange topics in a logical order and they can help an author manage the length of the paper In addition to an effective introduction and the use of section headings each paragraph of an academic paper can be written This study source was downloaded by 100000883031050 from CourseHero com on 04 21 2024 12 28 43 GMT 05 00 https www coursehero com file 70217835 PSY FP7210 WaltonBeverly Assessment 1 1docx EARLY DEVELOPMENT CASE INTERVENTION 4in a manner that helps the reader stay engaged Capella University promotes the use of the MEAL plan to serve this purpose The MEAL Plan The MEAL plan is a model used by Capella University to help learners effectively compose academic discussions and papers Each component of the MEAL plan is critical to writing an effective paragraph The acronym MEAL is based on four components of a paragraph M Main point E Evidence or Example A Analysis and L Link The following section includes a detailed description and examples of each component of the MEAL plan When writing the content sections of an academic paper as opposed to the introduction or conclusion sections the MEAL plan can be an effective model for designing each paragraph A paragraph begins with a description of the main point which is represented by the letter M of the MEAL plan For example the first sentence of this paragraph clearly states the main point

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CAPELLA PSY FP 7210 - Early Development Case Intervention Analysis: Case Study of Sophia

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