Physics Formula Sheet 2023

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7 EBAY OKAA SS tit EE Electrostaticsa Coulomb sLawofElectricforce 9192feq 92 q fxrE Fa9293orf Katinkawherekisaconstantofproportionality calledelectrostaticforceconstantK I 9 109Nm2C 2WhereEoiscalledFaEopermittivityoffreespace Go 8 8551X10 12C2N im 22Coulomb sLawinVectorform r F z f 19 tqz21Friz FunInVectorform Coulomb sLawcanbewrittenasThz 9 9 inwherein Haeisaunitvectorinthedirectionfromq to92Similarly FT 9 ggFez whereKu Iqisaunitvectorinthedirectionfrom92to9a 3SuperpositionPrincipleBetweenthreechargesFT FiatFrs Tag929 4his co9th 13similarlyformultiplechargesF Fez Fist trim II 919 in 9h43in3t 9291 1FT 9 n9iATLCo Ty I ii 2AElectricfield Fen goingoff aEcon h after BisduetoapointchargeI IqOPP ateco r Fq9 ciilDuetosystemofpointcharge Eca Each tEalr t tEnCr ETH Taco9ns pimp aIcogymint tItacoAr pinPEth II q anypair 5ElectricfieldduetoaDipole IsAtanialE 94anhpATLto q2 al 2 foras aE 4qaa i Atequitonal4TitoisPnEeg gtfo as 3kPAtalargedistance r a Es 299Fonz P6DipoleinuniformElectricfieldTORQUE I 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