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Gender and Sexuality in Anthropology Presented by Abigail Atiwag Gender and Sexuality in Anthropology Gender and sexuality are critical areas of study in anthropology Here s an overview covering gender roles and identities sexuality and culture and feminist anthropology Gender Roles and Identities Cross Cultural Perspectives on Gender Anthropologists examine how gender roles norms and identities vary across cultures and societies They study gendered divisions of labor social expectations roles in family and community life and the ways in which gender intersects with other aspects of identity Gender Socialization Anthropology explores processes of gender socialization including how individuals learn and internalize gender norms behaviors and expectations through interactions with family peers media education and cultural practices Gender Equality Movements Anthropologists study gender equality movements women s rights activism LGBTQ rights movements and efforts to challenge gender based discrimination inequality and violence in different cultural contexts LGBTQ Studies Anthropology of LGBTQ studies examines sexual orientation gender identity non binary identities queer cultures LGBTQ communities LGBTQ rights and experiences of discrimination stigma and resilience among LGBTQ individuals Sexuality and Culture Cultural Attitudes Towards Sexuality Anthropologists analyze cultural attitudes beliefs values and taboos related to sexuality sexual behaviors and sexual expression They explore how cultural norms shape sexual practices relationships and identities Sexual Diversity Anthropology of sexuality recognizes and studies sexual diversity including different sexual orientations identities expressions and relationship structures beyond heteronormativity Sexual Practices Anthropologists investigate cultural variations in sexual practices sexual rituals sexual taboos reproductive practices contraception family planning and attitudes towards sexual health and pleasure Reproductive Health Anthropology examines cultural beliefs practices and systems related to reproductive health childbirth fertility contraception abortion maternal care and reproductive rights Feminist Anthropology Feminist Perspectives in Anthropology Feminist anthropology applies feminist theories and methodologies to the study of gender power inequality and social justice It critiques gendered hierarchies patriarchy sexism and intersecting forms of oppression Gendered Power Dynamics Feminist anthropology analyzes gendered power dynamics hegemonic masculinity femininities gender inequalities in access to resources decision making processes and opportunities and the impact of gender norms on individuals lives Feminist Ethnography Anthropologists conduct feminist ethnography which emphasizes reflexivity collaboration empowerment of research participants and centering marginalized voices and perspectives in anthropological research Intersectionality in Gender Studies Anthropologists explore intersectionality in gender studies recognizing how multiple social identities such as gender race class sexuality ethnicity ability intersect and shape individuals experiences of privilege marginalization and resistance Gender and sexuality studies in anthropology highlight the diversity of human experiences challenge normative assumptions and contribute to understanding the complexities of gendered and sexual identities relationships and social dynamics across cultures THANK YOU

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SLU SOC 324 - Gender and Sexuality in Anthropology: Exploring Cultural Perspectives and Identities

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