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Environmental Anthropology Presented by Abigail Atiwag Environmental Anthropology Environmental anthropology focuses on the dynamic relationship between humans and their environment Here s an overview covering human environment interactions indigenous knowledge systems and ecological anthropology Human Environment Interactions Cultural Ecology Environmental anthropology explores cultural ecology which studies how cultures interact with their environments adapt to ecological conditions and utilize natural resources It examines subsistence strategies agricultural practices resource management systems and environmental impacts of human activities Environmental Sustainability Anthropologists address environmental sustainability sustainable development goals ecological resilience and strategies for balancing human needs with environmental conservation They analyze sustainable practices renewable resource management conservation ethics and community based conservation initiatives Natural Resource Management Environmental anthropology examines natural resource management systems common property resources resource conflicts resource access resource use patterns and the social dynamics of resource allocation within communities Environmental Degradation Anthropologists study environmental degradation deforestation soil erosion pollution habitat loss water scarcity climate change impacts and the consequences of unsustainable environmental practices on ecosystems and human societies Indigenous Knowledge Systems Traditional Ecological Knowledge TEK Environmental anthropology values traditional ecological knowledge TEK held by indigenous peoples local communities and traditional societies TEK includes indigenous knowledge about ecosystems biodiversity natural resources weather patterns agricultural practices medicinal plants and sustainable land use Indigenous Land Rights Anthropologists advocate for indigenous land rights indigenous sovereignty land tenure systems customary land management and legal recognition of indigenous territories They collaborate with indigenous communities to support land rights cultural heritage protection and environmental stewardship Conservation Efforts Environmental anthropologists work with indigenous communities on conservation efforts participatory conservation projects community based natural resource management and sustainable livelihood initiatives They integrate indigenous perspectives values and practices into conservation strategies and policies Ecological Anthropology Ethnobotany Ecological anthropology includes ethnobotanical studies which investigate the relationship between humans and plants Ethnobotanists study traditional plant uses medicinal plants ethnopharmacology plant based rituals plant domestication and indigenous agricultural practices Ethnozoology Anthropologists study ethnozoology which examines human animal interactions traditional hunting practices animal symbolism animal domestication livestock management and cultural beliefs about animals Traditional Ecological Practices Ecological anthropology explores traditional ecological practices agroecology permaculture agroforestry sustainable fishing techniques indigenous farming methods and ecological knowledge embedded in cultural practices Cultural Perspectives on Biodiversity Conservation Anthropologists investigate cultural perspectives on biodiversity conservation sacred natural sites cultural landscapes biocultural diversity and the role of cultural beliefs taboos and rituals in preserving biodiversity Environmental anthropology emphasizes the importance of understanding diverse cultural perspectives indigenous knowledge systems and traditional ecological practices in addressing environmental challenges promoting conservation and fostering sustainable relationships between humans and their environment THANK YOU

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SLU SOC 327 - Environmental Anthropology: Human-Environment Interactions

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