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Cultural Anthropology Presented by Abigail Atiwag Cultural Anthropology Cultural anthropology is a fascinating field that delves into the complexities of human cultures Here s a breakdown of some key aspects Cultural Diversity Cultural diversity refers to the variety of cultures traditions practices beliefs and customs that exist across different societies and communities Cultural Diversity Cultural anthropologists study and analyze cultural diversity to understand the unique ways in which people organize their societies interact with their environments and make meaning of the world around them Cultural Diversity This involves examining cultural practices rituals social norms kinship systems religious beliefs language art music food and other aspects that shape cultural identity and behavior Ethnographic Research Ethnographic research is a key method used by cultural anthropologists to study cultures firsthand It involves immersive fieldwork participant observation interviews and ethnographic writing Ethnographic Research Fieldwork methods include living among the community being studied participating in their daily activities observing social interactions rituals ceremonies and documenting cultural practices and beliefs Ethnographic Research Participant observation allows researchers to gain insights into the lived experiences perspectives values and worldview of the people within a cultural group Ethnographic Research Ethnographic writing involves recording observations analyzing data and presenting findings in ethnographic texts reports articles and books that contribute to anthropological knowledge and understanding Cultural Adaptation Cultural adaptation refers to the process of individuals or groups adjusting to new cultural environments practices and norms It encompasses cultural change globalization migration acculturation and cultural diffusion Cultural Adaptation Cultural change occurs over time as societies evolve interact with other cultures and adopt new ideas technologies and ways of life Cultural Adaptation Globalization facilitates cultural exchange communication and interconnectedness between societies leading to the spread of cultural elements practices and influences across borders Cultural Adaptation Migration involves the movement of people from one cultural context to another resulting in cultural encounters hybrid identities and adaptation to new cultural norms and values Cultural Adaptation Acculturation refers to the process of cultural change that occurs when individuals or groups from different cultural backgrounds come into continuous contact leading to mutual influence and adaptation Cultural Adaptation The impact of technology on cultures is profound shaping communication media consumption social interactions economic activities and cultural practices Technology accelerates cultural diffusion creates virtual communities and raises questions about cultural preservation and authenticity Cultural anthropology provides valuable insights into the diversity complexity and dynamics of human cultures offering a holistic perspective on how societies function evolve and adapt in response to various social environmental and historical factors THANK YOU

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SLU SOC 220 - Cultural Anthropology: Understanding Human Societies and Cultures

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