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Cyber Security Presented by Abigail Atiwag Cybersecurity is a critical field focused on protecting computer systems networks data and information from unauthorized access cyber threats attacks and vulnerabilities Here are key topics and concepts related to cybersecurity Cyber Threats and Attack Vectors Malware Malicious software such as viruses worms Trojans ransomware spyware and adware designed to compromise systems and steal data Phishing Deceptive emails messages or websites used to trick users into revealing sensitive information like passwords credit card details or personal data Social Engineering Manipulative techniques used to exploit human psychology and gain unauthorized access such as pretexting baiting phishing and impersonation Denial of Service DoS and Distributed Denial of Service DDoS Attacks Overloading servers or networks with excessive traffic to disrupt services and make them unavailable to legitimate users Insider Threats Malicious actions or data breaches caused by insiders including employees contractors or partners with access to sensitive systems or information Zero Day Exploits Vulnerabilities in software or hardware that are unknown to the vendor and can be exploited by attackers before a patch or fix is available Cybersecurity Defense Strategies Network Security Protecting networks from unauthorized access intrusion detection prevention systems IDS IPS firewalls secure configurations network segmentation and virtual private networks VPNs Endpoint Security Securing endpoints devices such as computers laptops smartphones and IoT devices with antivirus software anti malware tools encryption and endpoint detection and response EDR solutions Data Protection Ensuring data confidentiality integrity and availability through encryption access controls data loss prevention DLP backup and recovery secure storage and secure data transmission e g SSL TLS Identity and Access Management IAM Managing user identities authentication authorization least privilege principles multi factor authentication MFA single sign on SSO and identity governance Application Security Securing software applications and web services with secure coding practices vulnerability assessments penetration testing security headers and secure development lifecycle SDLC methodologies Cloud Security Protecting cloud based infrastructure platforms and services with cloud security controls encryption identity management network security and security monitoring Incident Response Developing and implementing incident response plans incident detection analysis containment eradication recovery post incident review and lessons learned Cybersecurity Technologies and Tools Firewalls Hardware or software based firewalls that filter network traffic and block unauthorized access based on predefined security rules Intrusion Detection Systems IDS and Intrusion Prevention Systems IPS IDS monitors network traffic for suspicious activity while IPS actively blocks or prevents detected threats Security Information and Event Management SIEM SIEM solutions collect analyze and correlate security event data from various sources to identify potential security incidents Endpoint Protection Platforms EPP and Endpoint Detection and Response EDR EPP solutions protect endpoints from malware while EDR solutions provide advanced threat detection investigation and response capabilities Security Analytics and Threat Intelligence Using data analytics machine learning and threat intelligence feeds to analyze security data identify patterns detect anomalies and proactively respond to threats Encryption Technologies Encrypting data at rest storage encryption and data in transit network encryption using cryptographic algorithms and protocols such as AES RSA SSL TLS and VPNs Secure Access Technologies Implementing secure access controls VPNs secure authentication methods e g biometrics smart cards and secure remote access solutions for remote workers Cybersecurity Governance and Compliance Security Policies and Procedures Establishing and enforcing cybersecurity policies standards guidelines and best practices for employees contractors and third party vendors Compliance Frameworks Adhering to regulatory requirements industry standards e g PCI DSS HIPAA GDPR and cybersecurity frameworks e g NIST Cybersecurity Framework ISO IEC 27001 to ensure data protection and legal compliance Risk Management Identifying assessing prioritizing and mitigating cybersecurity risks through risk assessments vulnerability assessments threat modeling risk treatment plans and risk monitoring Security Awareness and Training Educating employees users and stakeholders about cybersecurity risks best practices phishing awareness incident reporting and security hygiene Emerging Trends in Cybersecurity Artificial Intelligence AI and Machine Learning ML Leveraging AI ML technologies for threat detection anomaly detection behavior analysis predictive analytics and automated security responses Internet of Things IoT Security Securing connected devices IoT networks smart home devices industrial IoT IIoT systems and IoT security standards and protocols Cloud Security Posture Management CSPM Monitoring and managing cloud security risks configurations permissions compliance and security posture across cloud environments DevSecOps Integrating security into DevOps practices automation continuous security testing secure code reviews and collaboration between development operations and security teams Zero Trust Architecture ZTA Implementing a Zero Trust model for network security where access is based on strict authentication authorization least privilege and continuous monitoring regardless of network location Quantum Cryptography Exploring quantum resistant cryptographic algorithms and technologies to withstand future quantum computing threats to traditional encryption methods Cybersecurity is a rapidly evolving field that requires continuous learning proactive risk management collaboration across teams and staying updated with the latest security trends threats and technologies Organizations must adopt a holistic cybersecurity approach encompassing people processes technology and governance to protect against evolving cyber threats and ensure data privacy integrity and resilience THANK YOU

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SLU CSCI 281 - Cyber Security: Protecting Digital Assets in the Modern World

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