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Management Presented by Abigail Atiwag Management is a broad and multifaceted discipline that encompasses various aspects of planning organizing leading and controlling resources to achieve organizational goals effectively and efficiently Here are several topics related to management that can be explored in depth Strategic Management Analyzing strategic planning processes formulation of organizational goals strategies for competitive advantage strategic decision making SWOT analysis and strategy implementation Organizational Behavior Understanding individual and group behavior in organizations motivation theories leadership styles communication organizational culture diversity and inclusion teamwork and conflict resolution Human Resource Management HRM Exploring HR functions recruitment and selection performance management training and development compensation and benefits employee relations HR policies and talent management Operations Management Managing production processes supply chain management inventory control quality management lean manufacturing Six Sigma operations strategy and process improvement methodologies Financial Management Financial planning budgeting financial statement analysis capital budgeting risk management financial ratios cost control cash flow management and financial decision making Marketing Management Marketing strategies market research product development pricing strategies branding promotion distribution channels customer relationship management CRM and digital marketing Project Management Project planning scheduling resource allocation project scope management risk management project budgeting project monitoring and control agile project management and project leadership Change Management Managing organizational change change models e g Lewin s model Kotter s model change communication strategies resistance to change change leadership and organizational transformation Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management Entrepreneurial mindset opportunity recognition business model innovation startup management innovation processes creativity techniques and fostering a culture of innovation Supply Chain Management SCM Managing supply chains logistics procurement supplier relationships demand forecasting inventory management supply chain optimization and sustainable supply chain practices Strategic Leadership Leadership styles leadership development emotional intelligence EQ decision making ethics and social responsibility leading change vision and mission alignment and leadership in diverse environments International Management Globalization international business strategies cross cultural management global teams international market entry global supply chains and managing global risks and opportunities Risk Management Identifying assessing and mitigating risks in organizations risk analysis techniques risk management frameworks crisis management business continuity planning and risk communication Quality Management Total Quality Management TQM continuous improvement Six Sigma quality standards e g ISO 9001 quality control processes customer satisfaction measurement and quality assurance practices Information Technology IT Management IT strategy alignment with business goals IT governance IT project management cybersecurity management digital transformation IT infrastructure management and IT service management ITSM Environmental Management Sustainability practices environmental regulations corporate sustainability strategies green initiatives environmental impact assessment eco friendly technologies and sustainability reporting Knowledge Management Knowledge sharing knowledge capture knowledge transfer knowledge repositories knowledge networks knowledge management systems KMS and leveraging intellectual capital for organizational success Conflict Management Managing organizational conflicts negotiation strategies conflict resolution techniques mediation arbitration conflict prevention and fostering constructive conflict for innovation and growth Each of these topics offers a deep dive into different aspects of management theory practices challenges and opportunities providing valuable insights for managers leaders students educators and professionals interested in the field of management THANK YOU

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SLU ASCI 435 - Management Essentials: Strategies for Effective Leadership

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