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Internet Marketing Presented by Abigail Atiwag Internet marketing also known as online marketing or digital marketing encompasses a wide range of strategies and techniques used to promote products services brands or businesses on the internet Here are several topics related to internet marketing that you can explore in depth Search Engine Optimization SEO On page SEO techniques keyword research meta tags content optimization internal linking Off page SEO strategies backlink building guest blogging influencer outreach Technical SEO site speed optimization mobile optimization structured data markup Search Engine Marketing SEM and Pay Per Click Advertising PPC Google Ads formerly Google AdWords campaigns ad groups keywords bidding strategies Bing Ads Yahoo Gemini and other PPC platforms Display advertising remarketing campaigns and dynamic ads Content Marketing Content creation strategies blog posts articles infographics videos podcasts Content distribution channels social media email marketing content syndication Content promotion and amplification techniques Social Media Marketing SMM Social media platforms Facebook Instagram Twitter LinkedIn Pinterest TikTok Social media advertising Facebook Ads Instagram Ads Twitter Ads LinkedIn Ads Social media engagement community building influencer partnerships Email Marketing Email list building lead magnets opt in forms and subscriber segmentation Email campaign planning automation A B testing and performance tracking Personalization drip campaigns and email marketing best practices Influencer Marketing Identifying influencers in your niche influencer outreach and collaboration strategies Negotiating partnerships influencer marketing campaigns and measuring ROI Micro influencers vs macro influencers and influencer marketing platforms Affiliate Marketing Setting up an affiliate program recruiting affiliates and affiliate commission structures Affiliate marketing networks tracking affiliate sales and performance optimization Managing relationships with affiliates and compliance with affiliate marketing regulations Mobile Marketing Mobile friendly website design responsive design and mobile optimization Mobile apps marketing app store optimization ASO and app advertising Location based marketing SMS marketing and mobile payment strategies Video Marketing Video content creation YouTube videos video ads live streaming webinars Video SEO video optimization and YouTube channel growth strategies Video marketing analytics engagement metrics and video advertising platforms Local SEO and Local Search Marketing Local business listings Google My Business Bing Places Yelp etc Local search optimization citation building and local SEO ranking factors Local search ads geo targeted campaigns and local search analytics E commerce Marketing E commerce SEO product page optimization and category page optimization E commerce PPC campaigns shopping ads Google Shopping Facebook Shops etc Conversion rate optimization CRO cart abandonment recovery and e commerce email marketing Marketing Analytics and Data driven Marketing Web analytics tools Google Analytics Adobe Analytics etc and data analysis techniques Key performance indicators KPIs metrics tracking and marketing dashboards Data driven decision making A B testing multivariate testing and attribution modeling Marketing Automation Marketing automation platforms HubSpot Marketo Pardot etc and CRM integration Automated email workflows lead scoring behavior based automation and drip campaigns Personalization dynamic content and AI powered marketing automation tools Conversion Rate Optimization CRO CRO strategies landing page optimization and user experience UX design A B testing split testing and multivariate testing for conversion optimization Conversion funnels customer journey mapping and CRO tools and analytics Privacy and Compliance in Internet Marketing General Data Protection Regulation GDPR compliance for data privacy Cookie consent management data protection policies and user opt in opt out mechanisms Ethical considerations transparency in data collection and customer trust building strategies Each of these topics provides a comprehensive exploration of different aspects of internet marketing including strategies techniques platforms tools analytics and compliance considerations You can choose a topic based on your interests goals or specific areas of expertise to deepen your understanding and skills in internet marketing THANK YOU

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SLU IB 521 - Internet Marketing: Strategies for Digital Success

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