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Software Engineering Presented by Abigail Atiwag Software engineering is a branch of computer science that deals with the design development testing maintenance and management of software systems Here are some key topics related to software engineering Software Development Life Cycle SDLC The software development life cycle refers to the process of building software from conception to deployment and maintenance Common phases in the SDLC include requirements gathering analysis design implementation testing deployment and maintenance Software Requirements Engineering Requirements engineering involves gathering analyzing documenting and validating software requirements This phase focuses on understanding user needs functional specifications non functional requirements and stakeholder expectations for the software system Software Design Patterns Design patterns are reusable solutions to common design problems in software development Examples of design patterns include creational patterns e g Singleton Factory Method structural patterns e g Adapter Decorator and behavioral patterns e g Observer Strategy Programming Languages Software engineers work with various programming languages such as Java C Python JavaScript C Ruby PHP and Swift to develop software applications They choose programming languages based on project requirements platform compatibility performance considerations and developer expertise Software Architecture Software architecture defines the overall structure components modules interfaces and interactions of a software system It includes architectural styles e g client server microservices architectural patterns e g MVC Layered Architecture and architectural decisions that guide system design Version Control Systems VCS Version control systems like Git SVN and Mercurial are used to manage code repositories track changes collaborate on codebases and maintain version history Software engineers use VCS tools to facilitate team collaboration code review branching strategies and code merging Agile Methodologies Agile methodologies e g Scrum Kanban XP are iterative and incremental approaches to software development They emphasize adaptive planning continuous delivery customer collaboration and responding to change Agile practices promote teamwork transparency flexibility and customer centric development Software Testing Software testing involves verifying and validating software to ensure it meets quality standards functional requirements and user expectations Testing types include unit testing integration testing system testing regression testing performance testing usability testing and acceptance testing Software Quality Assurance QA Quality assurance activities focus on ensuring software quality throughout the development process QA practices include code reviews static analysis code refactoring automated testing test driven development TDD continuous integration CI continuous delivery CD and defect tracking Software Development Tools Software engineers use a variety of development tools and environments such as Integrated Development Environments IDEs like Visual Studio IntelliJ IDEA Eclipse and code editors like VS Code Sublime Text Atom They also use build automation tools e g Maven Gradle issue tracking systems e g Jira Trello and collaboration platforms e g Slack Microsoft Teams Software Documentation Software documentation includes technical documentation user manuals API documentation design documents and system architecture diagrams Documenting software artifacts helps communicate design decisions code structure functionality and usage instructions to stakeholders developers and users Software Maintenance and Support Software maintenance involves updating enhancing and fixing software after it has been deployed Software engineers perform maintenance tasks such as bug fixing performance optimization security patches feature additions and software updates to ensure system reliability and user satisfaction Software Project Management Software project management involves planning organizing and controlling software development projects Project managers use project management methodologies e g Waterfall Agile Lean project planning tools e g Gantt charts Agile boards resource allocation risk management and progress tracking to deliver projects on time and within budget Software Security Software security focuses on protecting software systems from security threats vulnerabilities and cyber attacks Software engineers implement security measures such as secure coding practices encryption access controls authentication mechanisms security audits and penetration testing to mitigate security risks Software Licensing and Intellectual Property Software engineers deal with software licensing models open source licensing intellectual property rights IPR copyright patents and legal aspects of software development They ensure compliance with licensing agreements open source licenses e g GNU GPL Apache License and intellectual property regulations Software engineering is a dynamic and evolving field that requires continuous learning collaboration problem solving skills and adaptability to new technologies and methodologies Software engineers play a crucial role in developing software solutions that drive innovation productivity and digital transformation across various industries and domains THANK YOU

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SLU CSCI 390 - Software Engineering: Building Reliable and Scalable Solutions

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