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Product Design Presented by Abigail Atiwag Product design is a multifaceted discipline that involves creating innovative and functional products that meet user needs solve problems and provide value to consumers Here are some key topics related to product design User Centered Design UCD User centered design focuses on understanding user needs behaviors and preferences to create products that are intuitive easy to use and enjoyable It involves conducting user research user interviews usability testing and user feedback sessions to gather insights and inform design decisions Design Thinking Design thinking is a problem solving approach that emphasizes empathy ideation prototyping and iteration Design thinkers employ techniques such as brainstorming user journey mapping persona development rapid prototyping and user testing to generate innovative design solutions Concept Development Concept development involves generating and refining design concepts based on user insights market research and design briefs Designers use sketches renderings storyboards mood boards and design narratives to communicate and visualize design ideas Prototyping Prototyping is the process of creating physical or digital prototypes to test and validate design concepts functionality and user interactions Prototypes can range from low fidelity mockups and wireframes to high fidelity prototypes that simulate the look and feel of the final product CAD Modeling Computer aided design CAD software is used to create detailed 2D drawings and 3D models of product designs CAD modeling allows designers to iterate designs perform virtual simulations analyze geometric properties and prepare design files for manufacturing Materials and Manufacturing Processes Product designers select appropriate materials and manufacturing processes based on design requirements performance specifications cost considerations and sustainability goals They collaborate with engineers and manufacturers to ensure that designs can be feasibly produced at scale Aesthetics and Form Factor Aesthetics play a crucial role in product design influencing consumer perception brand identity and market appeal Designers focus on creating visually appealing products with harmonious proportions ergonomic shapes intuitive interfaces and attractive finishes Functionality and Usability Product functionality and usability are key considerations in design Designers aim to create products that perform their intended functions effectively are easy to operate and provide a positive user experience They conduct usability testing and iterative design refinements to enhance product usability Design for Manufacturability DFM Design for manufacturability involves optimizing product designs for efficient and cost effective manufacturing Designers consider factors such as part complexity material selection assembly processes tooling requirements tolerances and production scalability during the design phase Sustainability and Eco Design Sustainable design principles focus on reducing environmental impact conserving resources and promoting product longevity and recyclability Designers integrate eco friendly materials energy efficient designs waste reduction strategies and life cycle assessments into product design decisions User Experience UX Design User experience design focuses on creating seamless and intuitive interactions between users and products Designers consider user journeys information architecture navigation flows visual hierarchy feedback mechanisms and accessibility standards to optimize the overall user experience Brand Identity and Packaging Design Product designers contribute to brand identity through cohesive design elements visual aesthetics color schemes typography logos and brand messaging Packaging design plays a role in product presentation protection shelf appeal and brand communication to consumers Product Lifecycle Management PLM Product lifecycle management involves managing the entire lifecycle of a product from ideation to retirement Designers collaborate with cross functional teams stakeholders and supply chain partners to coordinate product development manufacturing marketing distribution and post sales support activities Emerging Technologies Product designers leverage emerging technologies such as augmented reality AR virtual reality VR additive manufacturing 3D printing Internet of Things IoT and smart materials to innovate and enhance product functionalities features and user experiences Ethical and Inclusive Design Ethical design principles focus on ethical considerations social responsibility inclusivity diversity accessibility and user well being in product design Designers strive to create inclusive designs that accommodate diverse user needs cultural sensitivities and ethical guidelines Product design is an iterative and collaborative process that involves creativity problem solving technical expertise and market understanding Designers play a critical role in translating ideas into tangible products that resonate with users fulfill business objectives and contribute to positive social and environmental impact THANK YOU

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SLU ABA 774 - Product Design: Creating Innovative Solutions for User Needs

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