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Informatics Presented by Abigail Atiwag Informatics is a multidisciplinary field that combines aspects of computer science information technology data analytics and domain specific knowledge to solve complex problems and optimize information processes Here are some key topics related to informatics Health Informatics Health informatics focuses on the use of information technology and data analytics in healthcare settings It involves electronic health records EHRs medical imaging systems health information exchange HIE clinical decision support systems CDSS telemedicine health data standards HL7 FHIR healthcare data privacy and medical informatics research Bioinformatics Bioinformatics applies computational techniques and data analysis methods to biological and genomic data It involves DNA sequencing genome assembly gene expression analysis protein structure prediction drug discovery comparative genomics phylogenetics and molecular modeling using bioinformatics tools and databases Business Informatics Business informatics also known as business information systems focuses on the use of information technology to support business processes operations and decision making It involves enterprise resource planning ERP systems customer relationship management CRM software business intelligence BI tools data analytics supply chain management e commerce platforms and digital transformation strategies Clinical Informatics Clinical informatics integrates healthcare data technology and informatics principles to improve patient care clinical workflows and healthcare outcomes It involves electronic medical records EMRs clinical documentation systems health informatics standards SNOMED CT LOINC clinical decision support medical imaging informatics and evidence based medicine Geographic Information Systems GIS GIS combines spatial data geographic mapping and data analysis techniques to visualize analyze and interpret geographic information It involves geospatial data collection cartography remote sensing spatial modeling GPS technology geocoding geospatial analytics and GIS applications in urban planning environmental science agriculture and public health Social Informatics Social informatics examines the social impacts cultural aspects and human interactions with information technology systems It involves social networking platforms online communities digital communication tools social media analytics human computer interaction HCI user experience UX design digital ethics and information society studies Library and Information Science Library and information science LIS focuses on the organization management and dissemination of information resources in libraries archives and information centers It involves information retrieval cataloging metadata standards MARC Dublin Core digital libraries information literacy information governance and preservation of cultural heritage Educational Informatics Educational informatics applies information technology to enhance teaching learning and educational outcomes It involves learning management systems LMS educational technology tools e learning platforms instructional design digital assessments educational data mining adaptive learning systems and educational analytics for personalized learning experiences Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Cybersecurity informatics focuses on protecting information systems networks and data from cyber threats attacks and vulnerabilities It involves cybersecurity risk management threat intelligence security policies access controls encryption intrusion detection security analytics incident response and cybersecurity governance frameworks NIST Cybersecurity Framework ISO IEC 27001 Data Science and Analytics Data informatics involves data collection data management data integration data analysis and data visualization using statistical methods machine learning algorithms and data mining techniques It includes big data analytics data warehousing data governance data quality data modeling predictive analytics business analytics and data driven decision making Informatics Standards and Interoperability Informatics standards define protocols formats and guidelines for data exchange interoperability and semantic interoperability across information systems Standards include Health Level Seven International HL7 Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources FHIR International Organization for Standardization ISO Open Geospatial Consortium OGC World Wide Web Consortium W3C and data interchange formats XML JSON Ethical Legal and Social Implications ELSI Informatics addresses ethical legal and social implications of information technology data usage privacy concerns data protection regulations GDPR HIPAA intellectual property rights digital rights management surveillance technologies algorithmic bias transparency accountability and responsible AI development Informatics professionals play a vital role in leveraging technology data analytics and information systems to address societal challenges improve decision making foster innovation and advance knowledge across diverse domains They apply interdisciplinary approaches critical thinking and domain expertise to design develop and implement informatics solutions that drive positive impact and transform industries organizations and communities THANK YOU

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SLU ITM 200 - Informatics: Harnessing Data for Insightful Decision-Making

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