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Social Work Presented by Abigail Atiwag Social work is a profession dedicated to helping individuals families groups and communities overcome challenges and improve their well being Social workers provide a range of services aimed at addressing social emotional economic and psychological issues Here are key aspects and topics related to social work Social Work Practice Areas Explore different practice areas within social work such as clinical social work child welfare school social work healthcare social work mental health counseling substance abuse treatment geriatric social work criminal justice social work community development and social policy advocacy Social Work Values and Ethics Understand the core values of social work including social justice human rights dignity and worth of individuals integrity competence self determination cultural competence confidentiality and ethical decision making Adhere to professional codes of ethics and standards of practice Social Work Theories and Approaches Learn about social work theories and frameworks such as systems theory ecological perspective strengths based approach person centered therapy cognitive behavioral therapy CBT psychodynamic theory trauma informed care feminist theory and empowerment theory Assessment and Case Management Conduct client assessments psychosocial evaluations needs assessments risk assessments and case formulations Develop individualized care plans treatment plans service plans and interventions based on client strengths needs goals and preferences Crisis Intervention and Trauma Response Provide crisis intervention services trauma counseling grief counseling suicide prevention domestic violence intervention child abuse intervention emergency mental health services and support for individuals experiencing acute stressors or traumatic events Client Advocacy and Empowerment Advocate for client rights access to services social services benefits healthcare resources education opportunities housing stability employment support legal assistance and community resources Empower clients to make informed decisions build self confidence and achieve self sufficiency Counseling and Therapy Provide individual counseling group therapy family therapy couples counseling psychotherapy cognitive behavioral interventions solution focused therapy motivational interviewing mindfulness based interventions and evidence based therapeutic approaches Child and Family Welfare Work with children youth and families to address issues such as child abuse and neglect foster care placement adoption services family reunification parenting skills training family preservation kinship care and support for at risk families School Social Work Support students social emotional behavioral and academic needs in educational settings Provide counseling services crisis intervention behavioral assessments Individualized Education Programs IEPs school based mental health services and collaboration with teachers parents and school administrators Healthcare Social Work Assist individuals and families coping with health challenges chronic illnesses disabilities terminal illnesses and healthcare transitions Provide emotional support care coordination discharge planning patient advocacy end of life counseling and support for caregivers Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Provide mental health assessments diagnosis counseling therapy substance abuse assessments addiction treatment relapse prevention harm reduction strategies dual diagnosis treatment and support for individuals with co occurring mental health and substance use disorders Geriatric Social Work Work with older adults seniors and their families to address aging related issues elder abuse prevention long term care planning dementia care caregiver support advance care planning end of life care and access to senior services and resources Community Development and Social Change Engage in community organizing grassroots initiatives social advocacy policy analysis coalition building program development needs assessments community outreach social justice campaigns and efforts to address systemic inequalities and promote social change Social Work Research and Evaluation Conduct research studies program evaluations needs assessments outcome evaluations qualitative research quantitative research evidence based practice evaluations and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in social work practice interventions and policies Professional Development and Continuing Education Engage in ongoing professional development continuing education licensure requirements certifications specialized training programs supervision mentorship peer support and participation in professional organizations to enhance social work skills knowledge and ethical practice Social workers play a crucial role in promoting social justice advocating for vulnerable populations supporting individuals and families in crisis empowering clients to achieve their goals and contributing to positive social change and community well being THANK YOU

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SLU PPS 702 - Social Work: Empowering Communities and Supporting Individuals

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